The next-generation high-resolution
wide-field optical imager for the
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope

Call for interest in participating in an 'IMAKA Phase A

Following the submission of the 'IMAKA Feasibility Report and the encouragement given by the CFHT Scientific Advisory Council, CFHT will submit to SAC a Phase A proposal prepared with the 'IMAKA team and to be presented at the 2010 Users' Meeting (Nov 16-18, Taipei).

In order to identify potential contributors to the development of the 'IMAKA Phase A, which could received a green light from the CFHT Board at the end of 2010, CFHT is issuing a call for interest in particpating in this Phase A.

An `IMAKA Phase A Planning Preparation Document has been prepared to help you evaluate your potential participation and is available here.

If you or your institute/laboratory/department are interested in participating in the `IMAKA Phase A plan, please express your interest by sending an email to director 'at' The deadline for the expression of your interest is September 3rd, 2010.

A senior member of each interested group will be invited to participate in a face to face meeting to be held in Toronto on September 23 & 24 (exact schedule to be determined at a later time). The meeting will allow the participants to outline their potential involvement and discuss it with the 'IMAKA team. More information here.

Want to know more about `IMAKA?

Science case

Instrument ConceptThe whole public feasibility report