Astronomical CCD images require substantial pre-processing before they
can be used for scientific measurements. It is necessary to remove a
variety of instrumental signatures. These include correction of the
bias level, any significant dark current, and flattening the image.
This set of corrections produces an image which is `flat': all pixels
have a uniform response to the light falling on them. Although these
images can be used to measure accurate stellar fluxes, a further
correction may be necessary to make the best use of the images:
idiosyncratic variations in the background level should be removed.
In this article, we discuss several types of idiosyncratic background
variations which are particularly important in wide-field cameras, and
demonstrate correction recipes which have been developed specifically
for the CFH12K camera, but which can be applied generally.
An idiosyncratic variation in the background implies an additional
signal in the image which is not actually a feature of the sky. An
important aspect of all such features is that they introduce an
additive contribution to the signal in the image: they should be
subtracted to perform a photometrically consistent correction. As a
consequence, since they are additive and generally distinct in shape
from a stellar profile, they do not strongly affect stellar photometry
measurements; the major effect is to elevate the background in the
vicinity of a star, making detections more difficult. Surface
brightness measurements, however, may be affected if the scale of the
background enhancement is comparable to or smaller than the structure
being measured.
There are several possible sources of idiosyncratic variations in the
background. `Fringes', caused by thin-film interference effects in
the detector, are one important example. Other examples include
scattered moon light, or scattered star light. Scattered star light
is frequently observed in images as bright `spurs' or `streaks',
extended, frequently narrow regions of elevated light caused when the
light from a bright star in the vicinity of the detector field-of-view
is reflected at an oblique angle on the detector. This particular
type of idiosyncratic background is highly random and difficult to
predict, but typically corrupts only a small area. In this article,
we will limit our discussion to effects which vary only slowly with
time, and which therefore may be measured on a series of images.
We have found it useful to divide the observed idiosyncratic
backgrounds in two categories: high spatial frequency structures,
which are dominated by the fringe patterns, and low spatial frequency
structures, which include several unrelated effects. This separation
can be very useful as different techniques are better suited to the
different scales. In addition, it is convenient to segregate the
effects of the fringes, which have a well-understood and fairly stable
physical origin, from the variety of low-frequency terms for which the
physical origin is more varied, and often less obvious.
Image Selection and Preparation
In order to measure and correct for both types of additive effects, it
is necessary to gather a collection of appropriate images. These
effects can most easily be measured and corrected using images of the
night sky, taken through the filters of interest. An appropriate
collection of images would consist of several (or many) images taken
in the filter of interest, with sufficiently long exposure times to
collect a significant number of counts per pixel. There are several
other characteristics which improve the measurement. For reasons
which will become apparent below, it is important to use images which
are clearly obtained in the night-time and generally free from
residual twilight flux. The collection of input images should span a
variety of pointings on the sky so that no particular sky features
(ie, bright stars, large galaxies, etc) dominate or skew the
measurement. Similarly, the collection of input images should be
generally free from very large-scale structures (ie, dark clouds,
nebulosity, or large galaxies) which would mask the signal of
There is a balance which must be considered in the choice of how much
data to use to measure the effects. If too little data, or images
spanning too narrow a range of sky pointings, is chosen there will
likely be significant residual errors. However, particularly for the
high-spatial-frequency components, using images which span a wide
range of time may smear out the effect of interest if the signal
varies on those time scales. For an independent observer with only
the data from a single run, the typical collection of science images
may have too limited a range of pointings; such an observer may need
to schedule additional 'blank-field' images to guarantee an
appropriate set of images for the correction. At CFHT, the Elixir
project (Elixir REF) has the luxury of being able to use all images
obtained with the CFH12K imager over a wide range of time, longer than
an entire semester. Our large disk farm can store in the vicinity of
9 months of CFH12K images on spinning disk. This allows us to explore
a wide range of input images in developing the corrections.
Once an appropriate collection of images has been identified, they
must be prepared for the measurement by correcting for the bias, dark,
and flat-field effects. For the CFH12K images, we create a binned
image, replacing each 4x4 pixel group with the median. This step
reduces the total data size, making the later calculations faster and
the disk-space requirements less taxing. This step does not diminish
significantly the measurement of the fringe pattern (and certainly not
the low-frequency structures) because the observed fringe structures
in our detectors are on larger spatial scales than 4 pixels.
To separate out the high and low spatial frequencies, we extract a
very low-order model for the sky \& background from the image. To
create the model, we first generate an image for each CCD consisting
of 8 x 16 pixels, where the value is given by the average of the inner
50\% pixels of the corresponding 256x256 pixel region in the original
image (in fact, we use the equivalent 64 x 64 pixels from the
previously binned image). The resulting mosaic image then has the
median value subtracted so that these small images represent the
low-frequency deviations from a flat image. This small image is used
as the set of measurement points to generate a spline for the
full-sized image, which is then subtracted from the 4x4 binned image.
The result of this process is two images for each input mosaic frame.
The first is binned 4x4 from the original image, with a median of the
original sky value and only small-scale deviations from a uniform
background; we call this image `med'. The second is binned 256x256
from the original, and contains the large-scale variations in the sky
across the field of the image; we call this image `map'. The details
of these steps, in particular the binning scales, are chosen for the
CFH12K mosaic, but the concepts are applicable to any large-scale
mosaic camera.
example with Z-band image.
1) detrended frame
2) med
3) map]
Origin of the fringes
Fringes are caused by thin-film interference, particularly in thinned
CCDs (REF). The structure of a thinned CCD consists first (in the
direction of travel of the incoming photon) of a layer of undoped
silicon followed by the pixel structures. The photons generally
interact with the silicon, ejecting a photo-electron, in this first
layer. Since the optical depth for photons increases with photon
energy from red to blue, the blue photons are converted to
photo-electrons in the top portion of this silicon layer. Longer
wavelength photons penetrate more deeply into the silicon. For
photons with wavelengths longer than a certain limit, the optical
depth is larger than twice the thickness of this first layer. Photons
with these energies can reflect off the gate structures, travel back
to the top surface, and reflect again back into the silicon. Such
photons can interfere with other photons arriving in the detector.
The result is a pattern of enhanced or reduced quantum efficiency
depending on whether the photons experience constructive or
destructive interference. If the CCD is illuminated with
mono-chromatic light of an appropriately long wavelength, the detected
photons will show a pattern which varies across the detector, and
which depends at any location on the thickness of the silicon
structures causing the interference. In practice, the observed
patterns typically show ripples with wavelengths of a few to tens of
pixels, illustrating the small gradients in the silicon thickness.
FIGURE: example of fringing (already above)
FIGURE: side-view schematic of fringing?
If the same detector is illuminated with a uniform broad-band source,
the range of wavelengths washes out the appearance of the ripples.
The flat-field image for such chips therefore includes a fringe
pattern with a reduced amplitude. A typical astronomical source with
broad-band spectrum will be subjected to the same positional
sensitivity variations as the broad-band flat-field illumination, and
will therefore be well-corrected with a flat-field image created with
a near-continuum spectrum. Although most stars have generally
continuum spectra, the night sky has very different spectral
characteristics. It is dominated by emission lines, particularly at
the red end of the optical region. With a fringing chip, these sky
lines create a fringe pattern caused by the combination of the
thin-film interference for the different monochromatic lines. The
observed fringe patterns therefore depend in part on the variation in
the silicon thickness across the chip, and in part by the particular
lines which are strong in the night sky. Since the composition and
conditions of the night sky do not vary by large amounts, it is not
surprising that in general, the observed fringe patterns do not vary
strongly from image to image.
Although the fringe pattern is generally consistent, the amplitude of
the fringes, and their strength relative to the uniform sky background
may vary significantly. Any continuum emission which varies
independently of the line emission will change the uniform background
relative to the fringe pattern. The most obvious sources of continuum
emission from the night sky are the excess scattered light from the
moon or from the sun near twilight, both of which generally exhibit a
solar spectrum, modified by Raleigh scattering. This effect is very
apparent in a series of images taken soon after sunset. There is a
gradual transition from images with the appearence of a twilight flat
to images dominated by the fringe pattern. [FIGURE] In addition to
changes in the continuum background, the line strengths may vary with
changes in the conditions at high-altitude, such as temperatures or
solar-wind particle backgrounds. The first-order effect of changes in
the conditions is simply a change in the amplitude of the fringes
compared to the sky. However, if the line {\em ratios} change
significantly, the pattern of the fringes may also shift: ie, the
width of the ripples or the relative intensity of the ripples in
different parts of the detector may change.
The practical result of the two effects discussed above is two-fold.
First, the dominant effect is that the relative intensity between sky
and fringe amplitude varies significantly. This means that, unless
the collection of images are particularly consistent, it is
insufficient to depend on the sky as a measure of the fringe
pattern. [DEMONSTRATE WITH DATA]. The fringe amplitude must be
measured on its own accord. Second, the fringe {\em pattern} is
largely stable, but second-order changes in the fringe pattern make it
difficult to apply a single fringe pattern to all images obtained over
a long period.
Measuring the fringes
To measure the fringe pattern strength for the CFH12K mosaic, we have
developed a recipe which balances the need for flexibility, with the
need for a rapid measurement. In summary, the process is as follows:
First, we perform a measurement of the fringe pattern intensity on the
CCDs independently. Next, we determine the correlation of the fringe
strengths between the different chips using the measurements from many
images. Each CCD may have a different fringe intensity caused by
different treatment of the silicon in the manufacturing process,
however, since all CCDs are illuminated by the same emission lines,
variations in the fringe amplitudes on the different chips are
strongly correlated. The fringe strength correlation allows us to use
the information from each CCD as an independent measurement of the
intensity of the lines causing the fringe pattern. We then use these
measurements to determine an optimum `fringe pattern strength' for the
full-mosaic image. This optimum fringe pattern strength is then used
to determine an optimum fringe strength for each CCD, which is then
used to guide the generation of a master fringe frame. For the
measurement of the fringe pattern, we use only the `med' images
described above. These images sample the high-frequency structures,
and are not strongly affected by large-scale features of the images.
To measure the fringe pattern strength on a single image, we construct
a collection of points which sample the peaks and valleys of the
fringe pattern. The points are grouped in pairs, with one point for a
peak and one for an associated valley. The sky value is measured for
each of these points. This measurement can be done by finding the
minimum or the median in a box of a fixed size for each point. For
the CFH12K, we use the median in a 7x7 box for each point. The result
for each pair of points is a measurement of the local fringe strength,
$dF = max - min$, and the sky value (the value of the 'min' point).
The pattern of fringe sample points depends on the filter, but may be
generated only once for each combination of chip and filter.
For a given CCD, we can now calculate the fringe pattern strength.
This can be done in several ways. One option is to use the median of
the collection of $dF$ values. Although the $dF$ values for a single
CCD image may have a large range, the median measures a fairly
consistent portion of the collection of $dF$ values. An alternative
is to assemble all $dF$ values for a given CCD image into a vector
$\bar{F}$, using a fixed order for the point pairs. Taking the
collection of all vectors $\bar{F}_i$ for all images from the specific
CCD, we generate a master vector $\bar{F}_o$ by calculating the median
vector or all $\bar{F}_i$. The fringe strength may then be calculated
as the median of the ratio between $\bar{F}_i$ and $\bar{F}_o$. This
operation is somewhat more stable than the simple median because the
intrinsic variation in fringe strength across the image is removed,
and outliers should have less impact on the measurement. A third
possibility is to construct a rough master fringe image by
median-combining the input images without corrections (or a simple
scaling by the sky). The fringe point pairs may then be measured, and
the equivalent master vector $\bar{F}_o$ generated from this master
image. The fringe strength of an input image would then be derived
from the ratio of this master vector to the vector of the input image
as in the previous method. In practice, we find that the the simplest
version, the simple median of the $dF$ values, is sufficiently
The result of the previous step is a collection of measurements of the
fringe pattern strengths $F(j,i)$ for each CCD $j$ from each image
$i$. The accuracy of this measurement may depend on several factors,
the most important being the presence of large scale structures or
bright stars. In a typical large mosaic image, it is not unusual for
one or two CCDs to be affected by bright stars, leaving the rest to
provide a clean measurement of the fringe strength. An improved
measurement of the fringe strength for an image may be determined by
combining the measurements from all chips. The fringe strengths may
be very different from CCD to CCD as a result of the different
manufacturing details. However, the variations in the fringe pattern
strengths between chips are strongly correlated. The explanation for
this lies in the fact that the variations in the fringe pattern
strength from image to image is caused by real changes in the line
strength that is causing the fringe pattern. Since the fringing in
all chips is caused by the same lines, the variations in the amplitude
should be correlated, even though the specific response of each chip
depends on the details of its construction.
To combine the measurements from the different chips, we determine the
correlation between the fringe strengths in the different chips. In
practice, we choose a reference chip, generally the chip with the
strongest fringing pattern, and determine the relationship between the
fringe strength on a specific chip $j$ with that reference $j_{ref}$:
$F(j,i) = C0_j + C1_j*F(j_{ref},i)$. For the collection of fringe
strength measurements, we determine the $2 Nccd$ coefficients $C0_j,
C1_j$ by determining the linear fits.
Once the coefficients $C0_j, C1_j$ have been determined, each CCD
image represents a measurement of the fringe strength on the reference
chip: $F(j_{ref},i) = (F(j,i) - C0_j) / C1_j$. The collection of
$Nccd$ CCDs from a single full mosaic image represents $Nccd$
independent measurements of the reference chip fringe strength
$F(j_{ref},i)$. We can determine the optimum value for
$F(j_{ref},i)$, which we will call $F_{ref}(i)$, from the average,
weighted average, or other equivalent statistic of the $Nccd$
measurements. This optimum value of the reference chip fringe
strength can then be used to determine the optimum values for the
fringe strengths on each of the individual chips: $F_{opt}(j,i) = C0_j
+ C1_j*F_{ref}(i)$. These optimal per-chip fringe strengths are then
used to guide the construction of a master fringe frame.
The master fringe frame is constructed by removing the local sky on
each chip and scaling the remaining fringe pattern to a consistent
level. This could be done by normalizing the fringe strength,
dividing each image by $F_{opt}(j,i)$ determined above. In the Elixir
system, we generate a master frame which is normalized to the
amplitude on the frame with the maximum fringe strength, and has the
sky value of that frame. The resulting image has the appearence of an
image of the night sky, without the stars or other features specific
to the sky. The values for each chip of the fringe strength and the
sky are maintained in the header for the master image so these values
do not need to be re-measured when the master is applied. The
correlation coeffiecients $C0_J$, $C1_J$ are also stored in the image
The construction of a final set of master fringe frames is an
iterative process. An initial master frame is constructed using all
input images with the recipe described above. This master frame is
then applied to each input image to generate a residual image. By
examining these residual images, and the variations in the residual
fringe amplitude, we find that those images with substantial real sky
structures (large galaxies, bright stars, nebulosity, etc) can be
easily recognized. The worst of these images are excluded from the
creation of a second master. This process is repeated until the
errors introduced by real sky structures are minimized. The final
fringe frame is returned to the full pixel resolution to make it
easier to apply the image to a science frame. In the Elixir system,
we also add the final master fringe frame to a database of all detrend
images for the camera.
To apply the master fringe frame to a science frame, we first measure
the fringe strength in the science image using the same technique
described above. Since the header of the master fringe frame contains
the fit coefficients, we can calculate the value of $F_{ref}(i)$ for a
single input science frame and therefore determine an optimal fringe
strength for each CCD, even if there are structures on some of the
CCDs. The master frame is scaled to match the science frame fringe
amplitude and the result is subtracted.
Low-spatial frequency structures
Low-spatial frequency idiosyncratic backgrounds may be a serious
detriment to projects which need to combine images with large offsets.
This is particularly true for projects which need to determine the
difference image between input images which are offset by multiple
chips in a mosaic camera. They may also be a concern for determining
surface-brightness measurements of large structures. A uniform
correction for these large-scale deviations may help in many
There are a variety of possible causes of large-scale excursions in
the background of mosaic images, and many of them can be identified in
CFH12K data. One frequent effect is a simple chip-to-chip offset in
the flattened sky value. The most likely cause of this is the
difference in the spectral characteristics of the night sky and the
twilight sky used to generate a flat-field image, combined with the
varying spectral responses of the different CCDs. This type of
pattern will be particularly strong in mosaic imagers which
incorporate multipe types of CCDs. In the CFH12K, there are two
different CCD types (EPI vs HiRO) as well as multiple run lots among
those of the same design.
Another cause of low-frequency background variations is scattered
light. We have documented elsewhere (REFs) the presence of scattered
light which contaminates the twilight flats in a generally consistent
way from twilight period to twilight period. This scattered light
most likely comes from a variety of surfaces visible to the mosaic
which scatter a small amount of light in a wide range of angles. The
resulting pattern has the general character of a wide, vignetted beam,
with excess light near the center and a gradual fall-off; the shape of
the pattern is smooth, vaguely dome-like. The scattered light is
present in both twilight flats and night-time sky images. The
flat-field images we use for CFH12K have been corrected to remove this
effect, which would otherwise cause systematic errors in the
photometric calibration of the images. This important effect has been
described elsewhere for the Elixir system (REF), and has also been
described for other telescopes as well (eg, WFI ref).
A properly flattened image of the night sky will also show background
variations resulting from this effect. For the twilight period, the
ratio of the direct to the scattered light is fairly constant, since
both are dominated by the brightness of the twilight sky. However,
for the night-time sky images, the strength of the scattered light
pattern will depend on the intensity of the illumination in the dome,
in particular if there is any moon light entering the dome, this
pattern should be quite strong. This large-scale scattered light
contamination will likely be present in all large-scale mosaic cameras
as it is extremely difficult to completely baffle the incoming light
A third effect we have observed is intrinsic to certain filters, and
has been most well studied R filter images. The red edge of the R
filter band-pass is coincident with a particularly strong night-sky
emission line. Since the effective filter bandpass is a function of
the incident angle, this line is admitted for certain beam angles, and
excluded at other angles. The result is that the portion of the
images near the center of the detector has a lower sky flux (since the
line is rejected), while the outer regions have a higher sky flux,
with a crisp, circular transition between the two level.
- investigate the other filters Halpha, NB920, etc.
FIGURE: examples of each effect.
FIGURE: moon angle vs dome pattern strength?
The three effects described above, and perhaps others we have not yet
identified, may be present in any image, with a somewhat arbitrary
mixture of the different components. As a result, a single master
frame cannot be created by simply averaging (or medianing, etc) a
selection of input images, unless those input images are all very
consistent in the contributions of the different possible components.
What is needed is a process to determine, from a collection of input
images, an appropriate set of basis functions which describe the
components of interest. Having such a set of basis functions would
allow us to construct a model of the backgrounds specific to a given
image, which could then be used to remove these low-frequency
structures. A variety of possible basis functions can be imagined,
including Fourier series, or Bessel functions. Neither of these
functions particularly well represents the general patterns observed
in the actual images, however. We turn instead to Singular Value
Decomposition to find an appropriate basis set.
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is an effective tool to construct a
set of orthogonal basis vectors given a collection of independent
input vectors. We provide the following description based on Press et
al (REF): Consider a collection of $M$ images, each with $Nx \times Ny
= N$ pixels. We can construct a single vector of dimension $N$ for
each image in which the pixels are simply listed in sequence. We can
construct a matrix $A$ from the $M$ such vectors by assigning the
matrix columns to each successive image. The resulting matrix $A$
consists of $M$ columns, each representing an image, and $N$ rows,
each representing a specific pixel in the images. SVD allows us to
decompose $A$ into three separate matrices: $A = U w V^T$. The matrix
$U$ consists of the eigenvectors of A, a set of $M$ orthonormal
vectors each of length $N$, $w$ is a diagonal $M \times M$ matrix in
which the diagonal elements are the weights for each of the
eigenvectors, and $V^T$ is also an orthonormal matrix, with dimension
$M \times M$ which represents the contributions of each weighted
eigenvector to each of the original input vectors in $A$.
In practice, we perform SVD on the matrix A formed from the small
'map' images derived from a collection of input images. The resulting
weights show that only the first few eigenvectors, or 'modes',
contribute significantly to the dominant structures. We can therefore
generate a model of the low-frequency backgrounds by combining an
appropriate set of the strongest few modes for any input image. The
appropriate contribution for each mode in a given input image can be
found by taking the dot product of the equivalent vectors. Given an
input image $I$ and a particular mode $M_i$, the appropriate
coefficient $a_i = \Sigma (I * M_i)$, where the multiplication is
performed on a pixel-by-pixel basis, and the sum is performed over all
pixels. Given $n$ significant modes, the background model is
constructed by summing each mode times its coefficient: $\Sigma a_i
M_i$, where here the sum is performed on per-pixel basis.
We have performed SVD on input $R$, $I$, and $Z$ images from the
entire first semester of 2001 operations of CFH12K. The results
clearly demonstrate the viability of this technique for measuring the
low-spatial frequency structure in an image. Figure N shows the first
N modes from the R band data. These images clearly represent the
scattered light 'dome', the filter 'skyring', and two terms which
allow for admixture between the modes. Note that the determined modes
must be orthogonal, while the real, physical effects are not
necessarily orthogonal. The application of these modes to the input
images shows how reliably this method can correct a wide range of
input images. Using the same 4 modes, we can correct any image from
the entire 2001A R-band dataset, with residuals which are NUMBER.
Similarly, the $I$-band and $Z$-band decomposition can be used to
effectively correct the background variations in $I$ and $Z$ images
from the entire period. The dominant $I$-band mode shows the
chip-to-chip offset mode which is clearly apparent in the I-band
images, but not in the R-band data. The next modes show the scattered
light 'dome' pattern No 'skyring' type of pattern is present in
either $I$ or $Z$.
[FIGURE - Examples of R, I, Z complete processing]
We have demonstrated effective techniques for extracting and
correcting for both high-spatial-frequency and low-spatial-frequency
idiosyncratic backgrounds in large mosaic images. The low-spatial
frequencies are well corrected using a basis set of modes constructed
from small model images, using the SVD technique. The high-spatial
frequencies are corrected using a more direct measurement of the the
fringe pattern. These recipes provide a useful technique for
analysing any large-scale CCD images. In addition, the SVD process
provides extra insight into the origin of the large-scale structures
visible in CCD images.