Image Statistics Analysis System
Every image analysed by the elixir system is first entered into a
database, the Image Registration database, Imreg.db. This database
records the image name, location of the image file on the Elixir
disks, and other basic data about the image. The details of the
database, and the tools for manipulating it, are discussed in detail
elsewhere (Image Database). Most of the
statistics recorded in Imreg.db are available from the image header
(ie, data & time) or from external sources (ie, the various dome
temperatures). Some of the information, however, must be derived from
the image data array. These measurements are performed by the
'imstats' elixir.
The imstats elixir determines three major statistics for each image:
bias, median sky, fwhm. The statistics are then incorporated back
into Imreg.db, the image registration database. At CFHT, the imstats
elixir also includes a function to pass these data to the QSO database
system. This analysis performed by imstats is normally done on images
as quickly as possible after the image is obtained at the telescope.
In the discussion below, we describe the various files produced for
each image which contain useful data. These files have endings which
depend on the data type. The rest of the file name is constructed on
the basis of the image file name. In the discussion below, we use the
abbreviation 'filename.ext' to substitute for a specific example.
The first module of imstats is a small program called 'imstats'. This
program has three functions. First, it measures the bias value and
sky value from the overscan and data portions of the image. Next, it
writes these values to a temporary file (filename.sdat) for use by
later programs. Finally, it extracts a small subraster
(filename.split) of the image which it passes to the next module to
measure the image quality statistics. Only a subraster is extracted
to speed up both I/O and the calculation of the seeing. The subraster
is limited to a maximum of 1500 x 1500 pixels, which generally contains enough
stars to obtain a good measure of the seeing. If the input image is
smaller in either dimension that 1500, the subraster uses the full
available pixels in that dimension.
The second module of imstats measures the FWHM of the subrastered
image and writes the value to an output file. In fact, this module
checks the image header and write the value 0.0 if the image is not an
image of the night sky, that is to say, the image type keyword
(OBSTYPE at CFHT) must be set of OBJECT. This module uses the program
sextractor to perform the measurement of the FWHM. The sextractor
measurement is performed only to a limited depth on the image and the
measured objects are written to a file with a the name filename.stat.
Each object measured has an associated FWHM. The job of determining
the true seeing for the image based on the collection of observed
object shapes falls to the next two programs.
The program imstatqso calculates the seeing from the FWHM list in
filename.stat. It determines the image odometer ID, and loads the
data from filename.sdat. Finally, it passes these pieces of
information to the QSO database system. The QSO database records only
a single value for each mosaic image, while the Elixir systems have a
separate entry for each CCD. Thus, imstatqso first check the CCD
number and gracefully exists for any CCD other than a specific
reference chip. For CFH12K, we use chip 03 for all seeing
measurements. This is a chip near the detector center, and is
traditionally used for focusing. Note also that imstatqso converts
the seeing to arcsec from pixels before passing it to the QSO
The final module of imstats is the imstatreg program. This program
load the data from filename.stat & filename.sdat, calculates the
seeing (using the same algorithm as imstatqso) and records these
values in the Imreg.db. For this step, it is necessary that the image
already be registered in the Imreg.db by an earlier step. Imstatreg
makes the association between the current image and CCD on the basis
of the exposure time and the CCD number.
TODO: provide some typical times for analysis of each CCD.