Images which have been corrected for bias, dark, and flat-field
effects are photometrically consistent: the number of counts in each
pixels is proportional to the number of photons incident on the pixel,
with the same proportionality for all pixels. However, it may still
necessary to perform additional corrections to make the images
scientifically useful. There may be additive background contributions
which do not represent features of the sky, but are rather due to
features of the instrument. At CFHT, we correct for two major classes
of additive background components: fringes and large-scale structures.
We discuss the causes of these two types of additive components, and
the general technique in some detail elsewhere (Fringe
Corrections); in this document, we discuss the programming details
of the `mkfringe' system which is used to create the master fringe and
master SVD mode images. This system is one of the more complex
components of the Elixir system since it involves several processing
steps, and various diagnostic measurements of the correction are
provided. We will first discuss the fringe creation portion; much of
the SVD mode creation system is quite similar.
A few definitions are needed to describe the different data involved.
First, each version of a fringe frame for a given filter is defined by
a set of parameters which together we call a 'config'. A config is
represented by a word built by connecting the relevant parameters; a
config consists of RUNID.TYPE.FILTER.VERSION. RUNID is a word which
identifies the camera run (ie, 01Bk04). TYPE is the word 'fringe' for
the fringe frames and 'mode' for the SVD mode frames. FILTER is the
filter name (ie, I, Z). VERSION is a number to distinguish different
versions within the previous set of parameters.
There are essentially four types of data involved in the process of
building the fringe frames. First, there are data which are relevant
to a specific CONFIG, such a the list of all input images or the name
of a jpeg representation of the complete output image. Second, there
are data which are relevant to a single CCD for a given CONFIG, such
as the master fringe image for a given chip, or the collection of
statistics on a given chip; we represent these data in the discussion
below with the word CONFIG.CCD. Third, there are data which are
relevant to a given input image, such as a jpeg image of the master
frame or a collection of statistics on the given frame; we represent
these with the word MOSAIC in the discussion below. The fourth type
of data are relevant to a specific chip in a MOSAIC, such as a single
input CCD image; we represent these with the word MOSAIC.CCD.
The fringe creation process involves a variety of steps, and two major
stages. We will first outline the process, then discuss the steps in
detail later on.
Stage 1: Image Preparation
- Select the input images.
- Create initial lists
- Detrend all input images.
- Rebin the images, extract high / low frequencies
- Measure fringe statistics on input images
- Create jpegs of input images
- Measure fringe parameters
- Create lists for web pages
Stage 2: Master Creation
- Measure fringe parameters from subset
- Create lists for master fringe process
- Create master fringe frame
- Apply master to all input images
- Measure fringe statistics on all residual images
- Create jpegs of residual images
- Measure fringe parameters
- Create lists for web pages
Stage 3: Image Registration
- Assign Image meta-data
- Register image in detrend database
In addition to these three stages, there is a process by which the
user can use a web browser to examine the input images, view a
representation of the residuals and statistics of each input image,
and refine the selection of the input images used to create the master
image. In practice, the user runs the Image Preparation step once,
then performs a series of image selection and Master fringe frame
creation to choose the best set of input images. At this point, the
user accepts the results and runs the third stage of Image
Let's look at each of the steps in detail.
Stage 1: Image Preparation
Select the input images
Images are selected from the image registration
database. It is necessary for the images to have the sky counts
measured, which means they must have been passed though the imstats
system. Images are selected if the satisfy several conditions: 1)
They must be use of the appropriate filters (currently I, Z, NB920).
2) They must have sky counts greater than a specific threshold. 3)
They must not be saturated in any chip. 4) They must have a sky flux
(counts / sec) within specific limits. 5) All 12 chips must be
available on disk.
Create Initial Lists
The fringe and mode creation processes as implemented in `mkfringe'
use a number of text files to keep track of the many pieces of data
involved in the process. During the preparation stage, once we have
identified all possible input images, we can create lists of the
possible derived products. Some of these lists are simply used to
record the accounting information needed by the mkfinge process; some
are used as input by program steps which need to know the names of the
images. Some of these lists are per CONFIG, while others are per
Detrend all input images
Before the images can be combined to generate a master fringe frame,
they must first be detrended to remove all instrumental signatures.
In the mkfringe process, these detrended images are stored in SPLIT
format in a particular, specified directory. It is necessary to
distinguish several versions of each image, we use a varient on the
standard SPLIT naming convention. If an image has OBSID 654321o, the
detrended images are stored as file with names of the form
654321oNN.fits (where NN represents the CCD in question) in a
directory names 654321o.det (det for detrended). Note that a standard
SPLIT image would have no extension '.det'.
Rebin the images, extract high / low frequencies
We separate out the high-spatial-frequency patterns (fringes) from the
low-spatial-frequency patterns (eg scattered light) by creating two
separate images from the detrended image. The fringe patterns
observed in the CFH12K are fairly large scale, always more than a few
pixels wide. We can save disk space and substantial time by rebinning
the images on a scale smaller that this. We create a 4x4
median-binned image, from which we extract the high and low
frequencies. The lowest frequency structures are removed by
median-binning by a factor of 256x256 from the original image,
producing very small images (4x8 pixels per CCD with CFH12K). These
small images are used to construct a spline-fit model which is
subtracted from the 4x4 scale image. The large image, representing
only the higher-spatial frequencies, is stored as, while the
small image, representing only large-scale structures, is stored as From this point, the fringe and SVD mode creation
processes diverge; the images are used to construct the
fringe frame while the images are used to construct the SVD
mode images.
Measure fringe statistics on input images
Each image has a characteristic fringe strength. We measure this
independently on each chip using the fringe pair coordinate lists
described in 'Fringe Corrections' . The box
used at each point is scaled by the 4x4 binning factor of the previous
step. The collection of MIN / MAX pairs are used to determine the
fringe amplitude for the chip and the sky level. The 12 values per
full mosaic are stored in a file
Create jpegs of input images
The web-based tool to select the best input images requires large and
small jpeg images for each complete mosaic. In this step, we create
two jpeg images for each input image. These are saved as and The first uses a very
large-scale median-binning to produce a tiny thumbnail image, while
the second produces a larger image with an effective total binning of
16 from the original scale.
Measure fringe parameters
The recipe we use for both fringe master creation and the fringe
correction improve the individual chip-by-chip measurements of the
fringe strength by comparing the fringe amplitude on all chips. Such
a step is useful because a given chip is likely to be affected by the
presence of particularly bright stars or large-scale structure, while
the mosaic as a whole is less likely to be affected. The process is
effective because the fringe amplitude is a measurement of a real
physical parameter in the sky: the strength of the emission lines
responsible for the fringe pattern. However, even though the fringe
pattern is measuring a real parameter, each chip has a different
response to the emission lines. This logic implies that the
variations in the fringe amplitude for a given chip will be correlated
with the variations on each of the other chips. This is in fact what
we see. We can use the correlation to determine an optimal fringe
amplitude for each full mosaic, and therefore determine the 'best'
fringe amplitude for each chip from the common amplitude seen across
the mosaic. To make such a measurement, we need to determine the
correlation between the fringe amplitude in the different chips.
First we find the chip with the maximum fringe amplitude, which will
have the strongest response to the emission lines. Next we determine
a linear fit to the collection of fringe measurements on chip A vs the
reference chip. The result is a collection of 12 linear fits, and
reference chip (for which the linear fit has a slope of 1, intercept
of 0, by definition). These fringe fit parameters are stored in the
file CONFIG.fitpar for later use. Note also that the optimal fringe
amplitude determined from these fits are used to determine a relative
scaling of the fringe pattern between each of the input images when
they are merged into a master image.
Create lists for web pages
We collect the various pieces of informatnio in the different lists to
generate information needed on the web pages, and move the various
jpeg to the appropriate web directory. At this point, the user may
run the web tool to select the input images.
Stage 2: Master Creation
The next major stage is to use the selected images to create a master
fringe frame, and determine fringe residuals using that frame. This
section is invoked by running 'mkfringe run'. If the image
preparation stage has been run, it possible, but not necessary for the
user to adjust the selection of input images.
Measure fringe parameters from subset
Only the selected subset of images are used to re-determine the fringe
correlation fits for each chip. These new fits are used to determine
optimal fringe pattern strength for each of the images in the selected
subset. A list is created for each chip which contains one line for
each input file in a format required by the flips process which
creates the master frame. This file includes the name of the image,
the sky level for that image, and the factor for scaling the fringe
Create master fringe frame
This is the heart of the fringe master creation. The selected input
images are used to create the master fringe frame, called Each of the images first has the sky subtracted,
then the remaining fringe pattern is scaled relative to the image with
the largest amplitude fringe pattern. All images are then
median-combined. The result image has the sky reset to the sky of the
original input image. The fringe amplitude and the sky level are
arbitrary numbers.
Apply master to all input images
We calculate residual images by applying the new master fringe frame
to each of the input images. The resulting residual images are saved
as OBSIDo.def (for defringing). Each of these images should have a
minimal remaining fringe pattern.
Measure fringe statistics on all residual images
The standard recipe is used to measure the amplitude of the residual
fringe pattern. These values are saved in a text file
OBSIDo.def.stats which is used to construct statistics for the web
browswer image selection tool.
Create jpegs of the residual images
Just as for the input images, each residual image has a set of
greyscale jpeg images constructed which are used in the web tool to
show the quality of the defringing or to guide the choice of images
for exclusion or inclusion. The only difference it the dynamic range
of the fringe frame. In the case of the input images, the full
white-to-black range is set of 1% of the sky flux, while for the
residuals, the full range is set to 0.2% of the sky flux. These
images are called OBSIDo.def.medbin.jpg and OBSIDo.def.tenbin.jpg.
The remaining stages duplicate steps discussed above: measuring the
fringe fits from the selected subset, calculating statistics for the
collection of input images & residual images, and creating the
necessary files needed by the web tool. At this point, the user can
again refine the input image selection or choose to accept the master
frame. If the image has been accepted, the next stage is to register
the image in the database.
Image Registration
Assign Image meta-data
The first step before image registration can take place is to convert
the 4x4 binned image into a full 1x1 scale image. This is a
convenient time to add a variety of data to the fringe frame headers.
This meta-data includes the information about the fringe correlation
fit parameters, which is used by the defringing process to avoid
re-measuring the fringe amplitude for the master image. In addition,
information about the fringe creation process are also added to the
header for documentation purposes.
Register image in detrend database
The last step is to add the image to the detrend database. This
involves adding a row in the database table for each master CCD, as
well as copying the master images themselves to the detrend database