Elixir automatically provides measurements of the CCD zeropoints.
This is done with modest accuracy in realtime during the observing run
through the Ptolemy I analysis, and to high accuracy at the end of the
run with the Ptolemy II analysis. As discussed elsewhere, the Ptolemy
analysis is applied to every image of the sky (IMAGETYP = OBJECT),
regardless of the content of the images. The analysis includes object
detection, photometric measurement, and astrometric calibration. The
resulting data are incorporated in a database of stellar photometry.
Since the same photometric database can be made to include the
measurements of all standard stars, and since the association between
stars on the sky is performed on the basis of the celestial
coordinates, observations of the standard stars are automatically
associated with the standard star measurements themselves. The
determination of the zeropoints is at this point a simple matter of
extracting all and only the measurements of the standard stars and
comparing measurements in the appropriate filters. The rest of the
process are mere details.
Of course, the details can be fairly complex. The first point to
mention is the mechanism used to speed up the extraction of the
correct stars. When we talk about standard stars in this context, we
assume that we are talking about the Landolt standard stars. It is
possible, of course, to use any standard stars, and in most cases the
same arguments would apply. Landolt's standard stars are not
uniformly distributed on the sky, nor is there a large number of such
stars. Instead, they are found in a small number of special
locations, providing a way to speed up their selection. The
organization of the photometry database makes use of the geometry of
the sky. The individual stellar measurements are stored in roughly
8000 files ('region files' or 'cpt files'), each representing a small
patch on the sky, bounded by lines of constant RA and DEC. These
files are in turn stored in 12 separate directories representing
7.5° bands of declination. The standard stars are located in a
small subset of the 8000 region files, greatly speeding up the search
for the standard star measurements.
Another point to discuss is the use of photcodes to distinguish the
standard stars from other stars. One type of photcode is the
REFERENCE type, which refers to photometry not determined by Elixir
(external photometry). These REF type photcodes can be used for
photometric standard measurements as well. For example, the Landolt
photometry standards are included in the photometry database with REF
photcodes names B_L92, V_L92, etc, where L92 refers to the Landolt
(1992) reference.
We now have all the elements necessary to determine the photometric
calibration for a given set of images, whether from a specific night,
or 12k run. If we want to determine the current zero points for the V
filter images, we simply extract the measurements from the specific
region files for the Landolt fields, then we look for all stars with a
measurement in the V_L92 band, and then check if it has also been
measured in any of the dependent filters associated with V.
Having identified all of these V measurements, there are a variety of
operations we might want to perform. These may include selecting a
subset on the basis of some criteria (ie, time range, airmass range,
CCD number, object quality flag, stellar magnitude, or stellar color).
We may want to plot the zero point, or the difference from a nominal
zeropoint, as a function of any of these various parameters. We
provide mechanisms to perform each of these functions.
The selection process can be viewed in two ways. In the first
version, we apply various cuts of interest and plot the data in one
shot. The other method is to extract the photometry and all
interesting parameters to a set of vectors which can then be
manipulated by the user, or by a program.
Photometric Zeropoint database
End users of Elixir need a method to access the specific photometric
zero points which are valid for a time or image of interest. The
Zeropoint database stores all determined zeropoints along with
necessary anciliary information, and provides the mechanism to
associate a specific image and star measurement with the appropriate
calibration values. In a method similar to the Detrend database,
tools are provided to add to the database and to search for specific
data in the database.
The zeropoint database follows the format of the other databases used
in Elixir: a file written with binary data defined by a C header
structure, along with a FITS-like header giving summary information.
File locking is used to maintain the database integrity.
/* Zeropoint Database structure */
typedef struct {
short int photcode;
unsigned long int tstart;
unsigned long int tstop;
unsigned long int treg;
float zp-meas, zp-pred;
float sigma1, sigma2;
float Ko, Ao, Kp, Ap;
short int c1, c2;
float mean-color;
short int quality
} PhotReg; /* 272 bytes */
Above we show the C structure used to define the zeropoint database
data. Zeropoints are defined for specific primary / secondary
photcodes. The calibration provides the information necessary to
apply a transformation of the form:
M = mdb + cΛ + KΛ(sec z - 1) + AΛ(M1 - M2) - ΔM
where M is the calibrated magnitude, mdb
is the magnitude as stored in the database,
cΛ is the zeropoint,
KΛ is the airmass coefficient for this
filter, sec z is the airmass, AΛ
is the color coefficient for this filter, M1 -
M2 is the color of this star from two specific
filters, and ΔM is the a reference offset
that allows some system flexibility on the stored database values.
The zeropoint values are not generally determined in isolation for a
single moment. Rather, a collection of data spanning a time period
are used to fit for the various coeffecients. Typically, the standard
star data from a night are used to determine, in addition to the
values of KΛ and
AΛ, the stability of the sky transparency.
As discussed above, during the Queue processing, we will obtain
standard star data in all filters 3 times per night and in a single
filter an additional 5 - 7 times per night. The stability of the zero
point solution for the reference filter can be better used to assess
the transparency of the night sky. We have therefore maintained
seveal pieces of information relevant to these issues. First, we
store the scatter of the main filter. Second, we store the scatter of
the reference filter. Finally, we also store a quality related to the
measured transparency of the sky. If the sky is not photometric, one
would expect not only a significant scatter for the zeropoint, but
also that the zeropoint be smaller than expected. The deviation of
the zeropoint from the nominal value is used to determine the
'quality'. TBD.
It is necessary for a given set of zeropoint measurements to be
associated with a range of times for which that zeropoint applies.
Typically, this range would represent the night or nights used to
determine the zeropoint. We provide the values tstart and tstop to
represent the time endpoints. Normally, with Elixir, the zeropoint
calculation is made for a specific night, so these values are filled
with the sunset and sunrise times for that night, which ensures any
images taken that night are covered by the range.
Finally, the calibration includes a color transformation term. It is
necessary to define which is the color used for the transformation,
and what is a typical color in case the star in question does not have
a measured color.