Photometric Standards Elixir Real Time Log
Run ID: 24Am05

Last updated: Fri Jul 26 16:56:51 HST 2024

This log is based on the latest information from archived images only.

The purpose of this automatic log is to report the number and type of photometric standards observing groups observed during a given run by MegaCam. With only two "Q97" OGs per night (one at dusk, and one at dawn, when sky conditions allow), observing runs of about 14 nights, and five filters to cover, this strategy gives at least three iterations per filter per run. A diversity in the fields observed is welcome, hence a mix of OGs taken at dusk and dawn for a given filter is welcome. This is made easier to keep track of with the color code adopted here for the font: purple stands for dusk, while green stands for dawn.

Information of the various fields can be found on this page. Of prime importance is the first of the four QSO flags (e.g. "P 1 V Q"): the value of the flag can be either "P" for Photometric or "A" for Absorbed. It might happen that when the Sun rises, observers would notice that SkyProbe did not catch super thin homogeneous cirrus, leading them to think the night was photometric. In such case, the exposures get assigned the "A"bsorded flag and should be dismissed in accounting how many sequences are acquired per run for each filter.

Note that since the primary and secondary standards (short exposures) are defocused by 0.5mm (Smith et al. standards in the Landolt fields) or 1.5mm (bright HST standards), Elixir reports a bogus image quality measurement based only on cosmic rays (usually less than 0.5 arcsec.). The 2 minute exposure on the CFHTLS Deep field (tertiary standards) is however normally focused and should report an image quality consistent with the night performance.