Geometry |
Number of detectors | 4 = 2 x 2 |
Detector size (pixel) | 2040 x 2040 active pixels (2048 x 2048 with reference pixels) |
Pixel scale @ center of the field (arcsec / pixel) | 0.306 (sampling is 0.15 with microdithering) |
Camera field of view | 21.5 arcminute |
Camera rotation | No rotation - Alignment from run to run: ~1 degree |
Camera orientation | Aligned with North-South/East-West axis |
Image quality degradation from center to edges | Hardly any perceptible |
Field distortion | <0.8% in the corners |
Median seeing at center | 0.65 arcsec (expected, at K) |
Mosaic cosmetic quality (% of dead pixels) | A few bad corners |
Gaps between CCDs (arcsec) | 45 |
Photometry |
Magnitude system | AB |
Broad-band filters | Y, J, H, Ks |
Average Detector quantum efficiency over filter (%) | Unknown, 75, 75, 85 (preliminary) |
Zero points (e- / sec) at 1 airmass (AB system) | First measurements: 25.06, 25.87, 26.37, 26.28 (+/-0.1) |
Airmass term | 0.02, 0.05, 0.03, 0.05 (expected) |
Color term | To be measured. Expected to be small. |
Color (Instrumental to UKIRT Mauna Kea system) (UKIRT mag.) | Y-J J-H J-H H-Ks |
Median sky brightness | 17.4?, 16.7, 15.4, 15.4 (mag AB / arcsec^2) |
Sky brightness airmass dependency (offset) | Estimates are: 20, 40, 180, 170 (e- / airmass / sec) |
Point source MagAB SNR=10 Grey 1hr 0.8" Opt ap. | 23.44, 22.97, 22.59, 22.58 |
Extended source MagAB SNR=10 Grey 1hr 0.8". | 23.91, 23.44, 23.06, 23.05 |
Conversion from AB to Vega magnitude system | -0.66, -0.96, -1.40, -1.99 |
Instrumental magnitude equation | m ~ Zp[e-/sec] - 2.5log(Gain[e-/ADU]) - k(airmass - 1)
OR m ~ Zp[ADU/sec] - k(airmass - 1) (Elixir data) |
Narrow band filters | Low OH- (1.061 & 1.187), CH4 (On & Off), H2 (v=1-0 S(1)), K continuum, Br gamma |
Saturation in Y, J, H, Ks, H2, LowOH1, LowOH2, Ch4On, Ch4OFF, KCont, BrG, W | Estimates from the ETC (magAB): 12.7, 12.9, 13.5, 13.2, 10.7, 9.94, 10.2, 12.4, 12.3, 10.5, 10.6, 12.0 |
Camera |
Exposure overhead | 10 seconds are charged |
Read noise | 30 e- |
Electronic gain (e- / ADU) | 3.8 e-/adu |
Dark current | Negligible (~0.05 e-/sec) |
Digital encoding (bit) | 16 |
Digital range | 65536 |
Pixel saturation (ADU) | ~35000 |
Linearity range within 1%,5%,10% (ADU) | about 5000, 20000, 40000 |
Residual image after saturation | 2 detectors (N-E & S-W) more affected |
Crosstalk between channels | "Edge" crosstalk: 50 adu amplitude |
Telescope & instrument EMI noise | Negligible |
Pixel full well | 120000 electrons |
Raw fringe amplitude | no obvious fringe seen |
FITS file |
Raw file format | Multi Extension FITS (main header + 4 extensions (1 per detector), each usually containing a cube) |
Number of amplifiers per detector | 32 |
Observing |
Immunity to bright stars scattered light | Very good |
Typical exposure time | 20-40 seconds |
Minimum exposure time | 5 seconds |
Shutter accuracy | Perfect (electronic shutter) |
Uniformity of exposure over the mosaic | Perfect |
Filter exchange time | 15 seconds |
Small (60 arcsec or less ) dither | 7 seconds |
Cosmic rays rate (events / detector / minute) | Unknown |
Observing mode | Exclusively Queued Service Observing (QSO) |
Data pre-processing | `I'iwi at CFHT: the IDL Interpretor of the WIRCam Images. |