Current QSO Statistics - Semester 2003A

Last Update: August 01, 2003 at 18:00 HST

This page presents some global, current statistics on the QSO programs during a semester. It is updated every day during QSO runs at 18:00 HST. The left menu allows the user to navigate through the statistics related to the different CFHTLS surveys.

This plot presents the distribution of integration time among the different Agencies. The I-time allocated is the total amount given by the Time Allocation Committees. The I-time calculated is the total amount requested during the Phase 2. Due to some programs requesting dynamical intervention with the Phase 2 Tool during a semester, I-time allocated and calculated might sometime differ significantly. The I-time observed is the current total time spent on science targets. The I-time validated corresponds to the current observations validated, that is, considered to be meeting the specifications. (Note: Due to some observations done outside of the QSO system for 2003A, the statistics of validated time, introduced as "fake" observations in the QSO database, might be higher than the observed time!)

This plot presents the relative distribution of integration time among the different Agencies, that is, [Total I-time allocated (Agency)]/[Total I-time allocated for all Agencies]. These fractions represent the goal to reach for achieving the correct balance of telescope time for the different Agencies at the end of the semester.

This plot is similar to the previous one but presents the current distribution of the I-time validated among the different Agencies. The goal is to be as close as possible to the fraction requested at the end of the semester.

This plot presents the current program status for the semester. Programs completed have all of their observation groups validated.

This plot presents the queue efficiency, that is, the ratio between the number of observations carried out and observations validated. (Note: Due to some observations done outside of the QSO system for 2003A, the statistics of validated time, introduced as "fake" observations in the QSO database, might be higher than the observed time!)