First wavelength calibration

- From the AOB GUI, go to the "Set up configuration" of the AOB
- From the DetI GUI, type "etime 1"
- Choose Kprime filter
- From the DetI GUI, type "snap", and check that the artificial star appears in the test image

- From the AOB GUI, go to the "Observer configuration" of the AOB
- From the AOB GUI ("Start AO sub-menu"), put in neutral density 3.0 to protect the APDs of  the AOB
- On the GriF Xterm, type "grifsetup clean" to make sure all Gumball lamps are off
- On the GriF Xterm, type "grifsetup cont"  to switch on the Continuum Gumball lamps
- On the GriF Xterm, type:
"etime 5", "griffp –z -700", "snap", and then
"griffp –z +300" and "snap"
to check that the FP is actually scanning. The fringes should move very obviously and have an amplitude in the 1000s;
if not, reset the iotechs with "griffp -r ", then check that the frange system now actually moves.

- From the DetI GUI, type "etime 15" (if there are 2 argon lamps in  Gumball) or "etime 10" (if there are 3)
- On the GriF Xterm, type "grifsetup clean" to make sure all Gumball lamps are off
- On the GriF Xterm, type "grifsetup argon" to switch on the Argon Gumball lamps
- On the GriF Xterm, type "fp –bcv –890 –755 –nstep 10" to make a 10-step scan of the 2.06163 microns He I line
- At the end of the scan, on the IDL Xterm, in IDL, execute the command "calc_const_fp" to get the observed BCV profile.
The program computes "BCV_cal", the BCV corresponding to 2.06163 microns. The line should come up around -820, with an amplitude of at least 100.
The first image always has a slightly elevated flux; this is not the line...
- On the GriF Xterm, type "setcalib 2.06163 BCV_cal", where BCV_cal is the value given by the IDL program (choose the one with the lowest chi2 value)