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It seems that some SAC members would welcome a better information
on the competition.

I can summarize that in a table for the various projects. I got
news from VISTA an hour ago (I have been asking Jim Emerson, VISTA 
PI, for some information a few times over the last two weeks). The
good news is that they have decided to go for an IR camera first.
Should be on the sky in early 2006 (let say sometime on 2007).
Good timing for us. Will be 16 chips 2kx2k, 0".31 per pixel.
Nearly 1/2 sq. deg. I couldn't get any answer yet from the VST people.
(nothing really clear on that one).

I would appreciate some clear information of which projects you
heard of here or there. Just give me a pointer for the projects
which are public on the web...

Yannick, they would like a clear explanation of what is in 
Fig. 1 (!).  I can include whatever you can write in the legend. 
I already put there the explanation on the acronyms.

Ray, could you give a clear paragraph on SNAP versus what we plan
to do? I guess SNAP will do better, but later... My understanding is 
that SNAP goes to higher z. Is it correct to state that SNAP and the 
CFHLS are kind of complementary?

Olivier, any deep survey of that amplitude going on or planned 
for the years to come?



Dr. Christian Veillet,       CFHT Senior Resident Astronomer
Phone: (808) 885-3161   http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/~veillet/