New MegaCam filters available for the 2015A semester.

New MegaCam filters available on a shared risk basis for 2015A.

The new filter curves and the status of each filter can be found here

Please keep in mind that if you want to use these filters, processing will not be up to what is available with the regular filters in terms of photometric grid, zero points, color correction, etc...

We have limited space in the jukebox so we may not be able to put the requested filter in. Assessments of filter availability will be done by TAC rankings but there maybe other factors that will be taken into consideration.

The ETC is not ready. The old filters could potentially be used but we certainly cannot guarantee the requested depth. The u filter has a big transitivity difference with the old one (~20%).

Users have to be ready to perform their own photometric calibration since CFHT may not be in the position to provide zeropoints when the data is ready.

Additional information

Daniel Devost
Director of Science Operations