MEGACAM QSO programs for 2012A

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
12AB16 Dupke Regular 12.0 A CFHT-CODEX: weak lensing calibration to Constrain Dark Energy with X-ray clusters
12AB04 Balbinot Regular 16.0 B New Milky Way satellites in BOSS footprint
12AB99 Dupke Regular 8.0 B CFHT-CODEX: weak lensing calibration to Constrain Dark Energy with X-ray clusters
12AC02 Hildebrandt Regular 12.0 A Lensing Magnification: A novel method to calibrate the mass-richness relations of galaxy clusters at high redshift
12AC07 Fraser Regular 1.1 A Measuring KBO Atmospheres by Stellar Occultation; a Search for Events.
12AC09 Durrell Regular 13.3 A A MegaCam Survey of the Leo Triplet
12AC05 Pritchet Regular 10.6 B Is a Galaxy s Nova Rate Correlated with its Globular Cluster Population?
12AC26 Van Waerbeke Regular 11.0 B CFHT-CODEX: weak lensing calibration to Constrain Dark Energy with X-ray clusters
12AC27 Smith Regular 5.4 B Do White Dwarfs lie at the Centres of their Planetary Nebulae?
12AC99 Hildebrandt Regular 27.0 B Lensing Magnification: A novel method to calibrate the mass-richness relations of galaxy clusters at high redshift
12AC01 McConnachie Regular 20.0 C The baryonic mass and light of all galaxies in the very local Universe
12AC21 Sloan Regular 3.2 C Mass loss in the Sextans Dwarf Spheroidal
12AC98 Van Waerbeke Regular 29.25 C CFHT-CODEX: weak lensing calibration to Constrain Dark Energy with X-ray clusters
12AF04 Duc Regular 17.0 A MATLAS: investigating the origin of the molecular gas in Atlas3D early-type galaxies with extremely deep imaging
12AF01 Rouan Regular 12.0 B Copy of Follow-up of the exoplanet program of the CoRoT satellite : confirmation of planetary transits and identification of false positives.
12AF03 Fliri Regular 2.8 B Archaeology of halo streams
12AF07 Jablonka Regular 7.9 B Large Scale Structures around distant galaxy clusters
12AF99 Duc Regular 11.5 B MATLAS: investigating the origin of the molecular gas in Atlas3D early-type galaxies with extremely deep imaging
12AF15 Taris Regular 6.5 C Morphology of Radio Loud Quasars Candidates to Link the Gaia Fundamental Frame and the ICRF
12AF98 Fliri Regular 5.9 C Archaeology of halo streams
12AH24 Henry Regular 17.0 A CFHT-CODEX: weak lensing calibration to Constrain Dark Energy with X-ray clusters
12AH07 Tholen Regular 3.0 B Observations of Near-Earth Objects
12AH16 Wainscoat Regular 10.0 B Rapid followup of important solar system discoveries from Pan-STARRS
12AH22 Kleyna Regular 3.0 B Pan-STARRS Main Belt Comet followup in MegaCam or GMOS queue mode
12AH27 Gal Regular 7.04 B Environmental Effects on Galaxy Evolution at z ? 1: The ORELSE Survey
12AH97 Wainscoat Regular 6.0 B A search for large undiscovered NEOs at low solar elongation
12AH98 Tholen Regular 0.5 B Orbit Determination for New Horizons KBO Flyby Targets
12AH99 Henry Regular 4.0 B CFHT-CODEX: weak lensing calibration to Constrain Dark Energy with X-ray clusters
12AH17 Morrison Regular 8.5 C S0 bulge building: Searching for blue cores
12AH19 Micheli Regular 5.5 C Connections between NEOs and meteoroid streams
12AH96 Gal Regular 5.06 C Environmental Effects on Galaxy Evolution at z ? 1: The ORELSE Survey
12AP03 Ferrarese Regular 172.0 A NGVS
12AP04 Ferrarese Regular 10.0 A NGVS
12AT03 Kong Regular 0.85 A Quiescent state of the black hole binary MAXI J1659-152
12AT01 Lu Regular 0.5 B Joint CFHT/HST/Chandra Observations of the Galactic Globular Cluster NGC 6760
12AT07 Hota Regular 2.0 C Detecting galaxy-infall through a Mpc-scale filament
12AT10 Foucaud Regular 10.0 C Deep u*-band imaging for the HyperSuprimeCam Ultra-Deep Survey
12AT12 Huang Regular 20.0 S Optical Identification of GRB Host galaxies