MEGACAM QSO programs for 2013B

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
13BB03 Dupke Regular 5.0 A CFHT-CODEX: weak lensing calibration to Constrain Dark Energy with X-ray clusters
13BB99 Dupke Regular 9.0 B CFHT-CODEX: weak lensing calibration to Constrain Dark Energy with X-ray clusters
13BC01 Fraser Regular 15.9 A The Atmosphere, Sizes, and Shapes of KBOs; Predicting Occultation Events.
13BC27 Greenstreet Regular 2.0 A Tracking of NEA Discoveries from Canadas NEOSSat Space Telescope
13BC29 Alexandersen Regular 6.0 A Finishing off: Trojans and Plutinos as probes of planet building
13BC30 Rogerson Regular 5.0 A Continued Monitoring of Quasar Colour Variability in Stripe 82
13BC02 McConnachie Regular 13.2 B Zero-harassment? The global structure and stellar content of the most isolated nearby galaxies
13BC14 Sloan Regular 0.7 B Stellar death and mass loss in the globular clusters M5 and M15
13BC31 Hezaveh Regular 10.7 B Dark Matter Halo Profiles of Galaxy Groups and Poor Clusters
13BC32 Sick Regular 6.0 B Calibrating the Contribution of AGB Stars to the Total Near-Infrared Light of M31
13BC99 Rogerson Regular 20.0 B Continued Monitoring of Quasar Colour Variability in Stripe 82
13BF02 Pagani Regular 3.0 A Dust properties in Taurus region dark clouds from visible and NIR scattering
13BF05 Richard Regular 12.0 A Survey at Intermediate Redshifts for Cluster and Lensed Supernovae (SIRCLS)
13BF07 Nesvadba Regular 6.0 A The brightest lenses on the sub-mm sky discovered with Planck/Herschel
13BF03 Doressoundiram Regular 8.0 B Short-term Variability of an Ultra-wide Transneptunian Binary: 2007 TY430.
13BF10 Venuti Regular 12.1 B Accretion variability of YSOs in NGC 2264: investigating accretion regimes and variability by exploring different wavelength and time domains
13BF13 Pratt Regular 26.89 B The Most Massive Galaxy Clusters across Cosmic Time
13BF97 Pratt Regular 10.52 B The Most Massive Galaxy Clusters across Cosmic Time
13BF06 Boissier Regular 9.1 C Exploring the IMF and Star Formation Modes in XUV-disk Galaxies
13BH20 Wainscoat Regular 5.0 A Rapid followup of important solar system discoveries from Pan-STARRS
13BH32 Meech Regular 7.0 A IfA Coordinated comet ISON Campaign
13BH28 Tholen Regular 2.0 B Observations of Near-Earth Objects
13BH98 Wainscoat Regular 21.0 B Rapid followup of important solar system discoveries from Pan-STARRS
13BK01 Ko Regular 8.0 A Testing weak lensing maps with galaxy redshift surveys
13BK02 Kim Regular 6.1 B Deep wide field imaging of Nearby late type galaxies
13BK99 Ko Regular 8.83 B Testing weak lensing maps with galaxy redshift surveys
13BO55 Stroe Regular 8.2 A Dark matter Radio shock wave interaction in merging clusters
13BO05 Moitinho Regular 1.6 C One of the oldest open clusters in teh Milky way or
13BP05 Gladman Regular 70.0 A OSSOS
13BP07 Duc Regular 11.0 A Matlas
13BP06 Gladman Regular 0.0 B OSSOS
13BP08 Duc Regular 20.0 B Matlas
13BS04 Gao Regular 16.5 A CFHT MegaCam Imaging of the H-ATLAS SDP Field
13BS11 Liu Regular 7.5 B Deep photometric observations with CFHT MegaCam for three candidates of the extremely faint satellites of the Milky Way
13BS14 Jiang Regular 18.0 B Hunting for the Most Massive Structures at z=2.23
13BT06 Foucaud Regular 5.0 A Deep u*-band imaging for the HyperSuprimeCam Ultra-Deep Survey: SXDS field
13BT99 Foucaud Regular 8.0 B Deep u*-band imaging for the HyperSuprimeCam Ultra-Deep Survey: SXDS field
13BT03 Huang Regular 20.0 C Optical Identification of GRB Host galaxies II
13BT01 Yen Snapshot 15.0 S A snapshot observing program to study the optical counterparts of gamma-ray emitting black widow-type millisecond pulsars