ESPaDOnS QSO programs for 2014A

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
14AB03 Carciofi Regular 6.0 A Probing the circumstellar disk dynamics in the enigmatic TeV gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057
14AB98 Carciofi Regular 3.0 C Probing the circumstellar disk dynamics in the enigmatic TeV gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057
14AC06 Wade Regular 11.0 A A homogeneous high-resolution Stokes I+V spectropolarimetric survey of the BRITE-Constellation primary targets
14AC13 de Mooij Regular 12.0 A Searching for the atmosphere of 55Cnc e
14AC20 Starkenburg Regular 13.9 A Further investigating the nature of the mysterious CEMP-no stars
14AC03 Khalack Regular 10.0 B Search for vertical stratification of chemical species abundance among CP stars
14AC07 Wade Regular 1.0 B Nitrogen enrichment, rotation and magnetism in main sequence B-type stars
14AC08 Sabin Regular 9.0 B Search for Magnetic fields in Post-AGB stars
14AC10 Shultz Regular 28.3 B Missing Mass in Centrigugal Magnetospheres: Leaking or Venting II
14AC12 Grunhut Regular 11.5 B Are stellar mergers the key to understanding the phenomenon of magnetism in massive stars?
14AC19 Kafando Regular 2.23 C A Stratification Study in the Atmospheres of Field BHB Stars
14AF19 Widemann Regular 18.2 A Doppler Velocimetry of Venus cloud top winds
14AF04 Bouvier Regular 33.0 B The History of the Magnetic Sun (Part III: Coma Ber)
14AF12 Folsom Regular 11.5 B Are stellar mergers the key to understanding the phenomenon of magnetism in massive stars?
14AF14 Moutou Snapshot 70.0 S Exoplanet host stars: SNAPSHOT survey of their magnetic properties
14AH31 Mendez Regular 12.0 A A search for spectroscopic binary central stars of planetary nebulae
14AH37 Liu Regular 5.6 B Completing the Low-Mass Stellar Census of the Youngest Moving Groups.
14AH96 Mendez Regular 18.0 B A search for spectroscopic binary central stars of planetary nebulae
14AH01 Gaidos Regular 4.0 C Astroseismic Calibration of Mg Ib Line Shape as a Stellar Gravimeter.
14AH14 Ansdell Regular 2.0 C Vetting Candidate Active M Dwarfs with Spectroscopic Binaries & Radial Velocities.
14AH95 Liu Regular 9.6 C Completing the Low-Mass Stellar Census of the Youngest Moving Groups.
14AP15 Alecian Regular 22.0 A Binamics
14AP17 Donati Regular 9.0 A Matysse
14AP16 Alecian Regular 48.8 B Binamics
14AP18 Donati Regular 19.15 B Matysse
14AS03 Yan Regular 6.5 A Observing the Earth s transit using a lunar eclipse - Hints for characterising exo-Earth