WIRCAM QSO programs for 2014B

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
14BB01 Menendez-Delmestre Regular 2.0 A Famished Galaxies or Starbursting Mergers? A Closer Look at Infrared-Bright galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance
14BB02 Martioli Regular 5.0 A Detecting near-infrared thermal emission from KELT transiting exoplanets - Part II
14BB98 Martioli Regular 12.0 B Detecting near-infrared thermal emission from KELT transiting exoplanets - Part II
14BC17 Albert Regular 7.0 A Measuring Luminosity and Temperature of an Old Brown Dwarf - A Direct Test of Evolutionary Models Based on Secondary Eclipse Observations of LHS6343C
14BC37 DiFrancesco Regular 9.64 A Constraining the dust opacity law in milecular cloud cores.
14BC02 Chapman Regular 24.0 B A WIRCAM Survey of the e-MERLIN SuperCLASS Field
14BC31 Blakeslee Regular 16.7 B MASSIVE-IR: The Structure of the Most Massive Nearby Galaxies as Probed with WIRCam
14BC99 Baron Regular 12.25 B Wide Imaging Search for Benchmark Planets
14BC20 Willis Regular 10.55 C Completing a K-band survey of the XXL-N field
14BC33 Moumen Regular 8.0 C Near-Infrared Imaging of a sample of Nearby Barred Galaxies
14BD98 Baron Snapshot 30.0 S Wide Imaging Search for Benchmark Planets
14BF08 Dole Regular 12.0 A Caught in the act: Identifying the stellar counterparts of the brightest Mpc environs on the sub-mm sky
14BF99 Nesvadba Regular 5.6 A The brightest lenses on the sub-mm sky discovered with Planck/Herschel
14BF05 Lecavelier Regular 24.0 B CFHT-Hubble joint transmission spectroscopy of WASP-6b and WASP-12b
14BF12 Willis Regular 10.45 B Completing a K-band survey of the XXL-N field
14BF02 Durret Regular 49.4 C The DAFT/FADA survey: constraining cluster evolution and dark energy
14BH26 Liu Regular 13.0 A Extreme Brown Dwarfs as Exoplanet Analogs
14BH20 Ebeling Regular 4.0 B The distribution of stellar light in the Frontier Field clusters
14BH24 Aller Regular 3.0 B Finding the Elusive Substellar Members of Nearby Young Moving Groups
14BH98 Liu Regular 20.6 B Extreme Brown Dwarfs as Exoplanet Analogs