SITELLE QSO programs for 2017A

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
17AC05 Shara Regular 4.0 A Kinematics of the CK Vul (Nova 1670) Ejecta
17AC31 St-Louis Regular 14.85 B Mapping with Unparalleled Spatial and Spectral Resolution the Gas Around Two Different Types of WR Nebula: NGC6888 and M1-67
17AC09 Loubser Regular 22.4 C A census of star formation and AGN feedback in members of groups and cool-core clusters
17AC24 Spekkens Regular 12.9 C Accretion in Action? Searching for Non-Circular Flows in HIghMass Galaxies
17AH01 Martin Regular 7.1 A Nebular physics ini the late-type galaxy NGC 6822
17AO05 Lyman Regular 6.5 A Fireworks in 3D: Dissecting a supernova factory
17AT14 Wang Regular 8.03 A Identifying the host galaxies of low-z damped Lyman-alpha systems