MEGACAM QSO programs for 2019A

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
19AC24 Ashton Regular 12.2 A The Size Distribution of Saturns Irregular Moons
19AC08 de Boer Regular 9.6 B Deep photometric follow-up of a sinusoidal wiggle in the GD-1 stellar stream, unveiled by Gaia DR2
19AC10 Ruan Regular 7.58 B ToO Monitoring of Optical/IR Counterparts to Gravitational-Wave Events in LIGO/Virgo Observing Run 3
19AC17 C\^ot\'e Regular 6.4 B The Virgo Core PN Survey: Where Galaxy Halos Meet Intracluster Space
19AC18 Venn Regular 6.75 B Uncovering metal-poor stars in the Galactic bulge
19AF03 Ordenes Regular 2.1 A One mass to rule them all? -- GC systems in spiral galaxies with precise central black hole masses
19AF23 Martin Regular 6.75 A Uncovering metal-poor stars in the Galactic bulge
19AF18 Duc Regular 1.8 B Investigating the nature of a giant HI ring around the early type galaxy AGC 203001
19AF99 Ordenes Regular 9.5 B One mass to rule them all? -- GC systems in spiral galaxies with precise central black hole masses
19AF08 Martin Snapshot 20.0 S Pushing Galactic Archaeology to its limits with CFHT: Mapping the PRISTINE Galaxy
19AH07 Wainscoat Regular 25.0 A Rapid followup of important solar system discoveries from Pan-STARRS
19AH14 Keane Regular 5.0 A Driver of Cometary Activity
19AH18 Tholen Regular 8.0 B Observations of Near-Earth Objects
19AH20 Huber Regular 6.0 B Optical-NIR follow-up campaign of kilonova during the aLIGO/AdVirgo third observing run and other rare transient events.
19AH21 Ramanjooloo Regular 2.0 B Interpreting the latitudinal structure of the solar wind and transient solar wind phenomena from wide-eld images of the ion tails of comets
19AH22 Meech Regular 9.1 B The Manx Comets - Testing Solar System Formation Models
19AH40 van Saders Regular 15.0 B Old Clusters for a New Spin on M Dwarf Gyrochronology
19AH13 Kleyna Regular 3.5 C CFHT Characterization of interesting active solar system objects discovered by PS1
19AH23 Weryk Regular 4.0 C Confirmation of Interstellar Objects
19AH99 Kleyna Regular 1.0 C Hyper Suprime-Cam Search for Near Earth Objects at small solar elongation
19AO02 Sanchez-Janssen Regular 5.5 B The nature of the diffuse stellar envelope around the globular cluster M2
19AP30 Cuillandre Regular 175.12 A CFIS
19AP31 Boselli Regular 51.48 A VESTIGE
19AP97 Cuillandre Regular 0.1 A CFIS
19AP98 Cuillandre Regular 0.1 A CFIS
19AP99 Cuillandre Regular 0.1 A CFIS
19AS07 Peng Regular 6.4 A The Virgo Core PN Survey: Where Galaxy Halos Meet Intracluster Space
19AS09 Dong Regular 15.0 C Evidence for the importance of galaxy interactions in fueling local low-mass AGNs
19AT03 Pike Regular 6.0 A The Outer Solar System: now in vivid ugrJ colours
19AT05 Lim Regular 1.23 B First [OIII]5007A image of NGC 1275 to reveal star-forming regions in its multiphase nebula
19AT06 Huang Regular 4.0 B New Insights in short GRBs
19AT99 Pike Regular 7.0 B The Outer Solar System: now in vivid ugrJ colours
19AT01 Kong Snapshot 15.0 S A snapshot observing program to study the optical counterparts of gamma-ray emitting black widow-type millisecond pulsars