MEGACAM QSO programs for 2019B

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
19BC19 Ruan Regular 11.0 A Target-of-Opportunity Search and Monitoring of Optical Counterparts to Gravitational-Wave Events in LIGO/Virgo Observing Run 3
19BC01 Wiegert Regular 10.0 B Characterizing the Taurid asteroid swarm
19BC99 Ruan Regular 14.9 B Target-of-Opportunity Search and Monitoring of Optical Counterparts to Gravitational-Wave Events in LIGO/Virgo Observing Run 3
19BC09 Bhattacharya Regular 5.0 C Survey of Planetary Nebulae in Triangulum (M33) with MegaCam@CFHT
19BC18 Ashton Regular 12.0 C Tracking small irregular moons
19BC38 Kavelaars Regular 9.4 C Measuring the sizes of TNOs: astrometry for RECON
19BF29 Petit Regular 6.0 A Tracking small irregular moons
19BF16 Mueller Regular 2.9 B A deep look into the NGC1052 group and its apparently dark matter free dwarf galaxies
19BF19 Posti Regular 15.7 B Testing cosmology with globular clusters: dark matter -- globular cluster system relation in nearby spiral galaxies
19BF10 Gavazzi Regular 11.0 C Homogeneous Weak Lensing masses of the reference XMM-Heritage cluster sample
19BF28 Martin Snapshot 67.0 S Pushing Galactic Archaeology to its limits with CFHT: Mapping the PRISTINE Galaxy
19BH19 Tholen Regular 6.6 A Observations of Near-Earth Objects
19BH22 Meech Regular 9.1 A The Manx Comets - Testing Solar System Formation Models
19BH34 van Saders Regular 5.0 A Old Clusters for a New Spin on M Dwarf Gyrochronology
19BH05 Wainscoat Regular 25.0 B Rapid followup of important solar system discoveries from Pan-STARRS
19BH24 Huber Regular 8.0 B Optical-NIR follow-up campaign of kilonova during the aLIGO/AdVirgo third observing run and other rare transient events
19BH99 van Saders Regular 10.0 B Old Clusters for a New Spin on M Dwarf Gyrochronology
19BH18 Kleyna Regular 3.5 C CFHT MegaCam characterization of interesting solar system objects discovered by UH Surveys
19BH21 Keane Regular 5.0 C Drivers of Cometary Activity
19BH95 Huber Regular 4.0 C Optical-NIR follow-up campaign of kilonova during the aLIGO/AdVirgo third observing run and other rare transient events
19BH96 Wainscoat Regular 10.0 C Rapid followup of important solar system discoveries from Pan-STARRS
19BH97 van Saders Regular 5.0 C Old Clusters for a New Spin on M Dwarf Gyrochronology
19BH98 Meech Regular 3.0 C The Manx Comets -- Testing Solar System Formation Models
19BP30 Cuillandre Regular 86.2 A CFIS
19BP31 Boselli Regular 7.9 A VESTIGE
19BP97 Cuillandre Regular 0.1 A CFIS
19BP98 Cuillandre Regular 0.1 A CFIS
19BP99 Cuillandre Regular 0.1 A CFIS
19BS11 Guo Regular 4.6 A Searching for Optical Bubble Nebulae around Supersoft Ultraluminous X-ray Sources
19BS01 Wang Regular 3.1 B Rapid Multimessenger Observations of Compact Binary Mergers Detected by Ligo/Virgo during the O3 Science Run
19BS06 Xu Regular 3.1 C A Search For White Dwarf Pulsar
19BS08 Dong Regular 11.0 C Evidence for the importance of galaxy interactions in fueling local low-mass AGNs
19BT04 Alexandersen Regular 4.0 A Tracking small irregular moons
19BT05 Umetsu Regular 5.3 A Homogeneous Weak Lensing Masses of the Reference XMM-Heritage Cluster Sample
19BT06 Huang Regular 4.0 B New Insights in short GRBs
19BT08 Patil Regular 5.1 B A Pilot u-Band Time Series Survey of a Selected Field in the Galactic Plane
19BT99 Alexandersen Regular 8.0 B Tracking small irregular moons
19BT03 Alexandersen Snapshot 0.5 S Is 2011 UB411 really a Plutino?