SPIRou QSO programs for 2019B

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
19BC25 Cloutier Regular 16 A RVxTESS: Photometric and Spectropolarimetric studies of M dwarfs with simultaneous TESS and CFHT/SPIRou Observations
19BC96 Albert Regular 0.4 A Echelle Spectroscopy of an M Star to Enable Wavelength Calibration of the NIRISS Instrument Onboard JWST
19BC08 Boucher Regular 28 B Warm Saturns Atmospheric Characterization : Investigating the Stellar Environnements Maximizing Metastable Helium Detection.
19BC26 Darveau-Bernier Regular 9.2 B Probing the atmosphere of ultra hot Jupiters using eclipse spectroscopy with SPIRou
19BC07 Boucher Regular 15.7 B Atmospheric Characterization of Hot Jupiters using Transmission Spectroscopy with SPIRou
19BC31 Jahandar Regular 14.2 C High resolution spectroscopy and characterization of M dwarf binaries
19BC10 Artigau Regular 6 C Brown dwarf properties revealed at high spectral resolution
19BF09 Vigan Regular 7 A Direct characterization of the very young sub-stellar companion DH Tau b at high-spectral resolution
19BF02 Bouvier Regular 10.4 B JH 223 : The Perfect Dipper
19BF06 Moutou Regular 2.1 B Small Sisters:do M secondaries of planet-hosting primaries in distant binaries also host planetary systems?
19BF33 Hobson Regular 5.6 B Optical-nIR synergy: exploring SOPHIE systems with SPIRou
19BF14 Lallement Regular 0.5 B NIR-IR Diffuse Interstellar Bands in the SPIROU era
19BF99 Lallement Regular 2.5 C NIR-IR Diffuse Interstellar Bands in the SPIROU era
19BF05 Moutou Regular 16 C RVxTESS: Photometric and Spectropolarimetric Studies of M Dwarfs with Simultaneous TESS and CFHT/SPIRou Observations
19BF11 Caffau Regular 12.9 C Fluorine in carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars
19BF01 Martins Snapshot 27.2 S A near-infrared SPIRou spectral atlas of O stars
19BP40 Donati Regular 392 A SLS
19BH31 Gaidos Regular 8 A A Mysterious Periodic Dipper Star in Taurus
19BH92 Gaidos Regular 4 C A Mysterious Periodic Dipper Star in Taurus
19BT09 Liu, Sheng-Yuan Regular 4.0 A Ionised accretion flows and bloated photospheres in young high-mass stars: observational tests with SPIRou
19BS12 Chen, Guo Regular 14 A Probing atmospheric chemistry and evaporation in two peculiar hot Jupiters
19BS10 Zhang, Junbo Regular 8 B RVxTESS: Photometric and Spectropolarimetric studies of M dwarfs with simultaneous TESS and CFHT/SPIRou Observations