MEGACAM QSO programs for 2021B

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
21BC03 Lawler Regular 9.0 A Kozai plutino orbits: a clue to Kuiper Belt formation
21BC40 Sawicki Regular 10.0 A DEUS: Deep Euclid U-band Survey
21BC05 Spekkens Regular 8.0 B How do satellites quench?
21BC08 Roediger Regular 12.3 B A Deep PN Survey of the Virgo Cluster with MegaCam
21BC13 Bhardwaj Regular 6.0 B Identify Plausible Hosts of Local Universe Fast Radio Bursts
21BC07 Paduano Regular 15.0 C A Photometric Study of the X-ray Binary NGC 6539 CX1 within theGlobular Cluster NGC 6539
21BC11 Bhattacharya Regular 4.0 C Planetary Nebulae population of four isolated Local Group dwarf galaxies
21BF09 Martin Snapshot 67.0 S Pushing Galactic Archaeology to its limits with CFHT: Mapping the PRISTINE Galaxy
21BH19 Wainscoat Regular 25.0 A Rapid follow-up of important solar system discoveries from Pan-STARRS
21BH25 Tholen Regular 8.1 A Observations of near-Earth objects
21BH06 Zalesky Regular 1.87 B The Frontiers of Galaxy Evolution in the North Ecliptic Pole
21BH26 Meech Regular 7.9 B Solar System Dynamical Models: Manxes and Gateway objects
21BH31 Sanders Regular 12.0 B CFHT MegaCam Imaging of the H20 EDFF Deep Field
21BH36 Dungee Regular 15.0 B Old Clusters for a New Spin on M Dwarf Gyrochronology
21BH37 Bufanda Regular 6.3 B Volatile Vehicles to Past: Characterizing the Activity of Long Period Comets
21BH96 Sanders Regular 12.0 B CFHT MegaCam Imaging of the H20 EDFF Deep Field
21BH99 Zalesky Regular 10.5 C The Frontiers of Galaxy Evolution in the North Ecliptic Pole
21BP30 Cuillandre Regular 82.5 A CFIS
21BS17 Zang Regular 4.12 A Extending the Low End of Microlensing Planet Mass-ratio Function to q 10^(-5) by CFHT
21BT03 Chen Regular 3.0 A Kozai plutino orbits: a clue to Kuiper Belt formation