WIRCAM QSO programs for 2024A

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
24AC27 Vieira Too 7.2 A CFHT Target-of-Opportunity Follow-Up for Gravitational Wave Events in LIGO/Virgo Observing Run 4
24AF03 Antier-Farfar Too 1.0 A Characterisation of afterglows of SVOM ECLAIRs gamma-ray bursts during the comissionning
24AH39 Liu Regular 19.0 A Extending Dynamical Masses to the Planetary-Mass Regime
24AH99 Liu Regular 1.0 C Extending Dynamical Masses to the Planetary-Mass Regime
24AO25 Bhardwaj Regular 7.6 B Near-infrared census of Anomalous Cepheids in dwarf spheroidal galaxy Leo I
24AS02 Jiang Regular 5.0 A Probing Lyman-alpha Emitters in the Heart of Cosmic Reionization
24AS16 Liu Regular 4.3 B CFHT/WIRCam Ks-band Weak Lensing Experiment in Blank Field: A Legacy Survey of the Extended COSMOS field
24AS10 Chen Regular 3.75 C Molecular hydrogen in fast low-ionization emission regions of elliptical planetary nebulae
24AT01 Ngeow Regular 6.2 A CFHT-WIRCam RR Lyrae Program: Population II distance indicators in dwarf spheroidal galaxies