ESPaDOnS QSO programs for 2025A

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
25AC09 Wade Regular 8.0 A A change in polarity of the extraordinary magnetic field of the magnetar progenitor HD 45166?
25AC12 Bermejo Lozano Regular 0.9 B Magnetic model of the first B[e] star with magnetic field detected, IRAS17449+2320
25AC03 Venn Regular 5.0 C Probing the early accretion history of the Milky Way with metal-poor stars
25AC01 Khalack Snapshot 9.44 S Spectropolarimetric study of roAp stars observed with TESS
25AC97 Khalack Snapshot 3.25 S A study of abundance stratification in magnetic CP stars with extremely slow rotation
25AC96 Allison Snapshot 9.75 S Study of HgMn Stars with Tidally-Induced Pulsations
25AC95 Sliusarenko Snapshot 8.25 S Spectropolarimetric observation of delta Scuti stars with possible magnetic field
25AF19 Gutteridge Regular 10.8 A Magneto-asteroseismology of HD183339
25AF14 Bellotti Regular 2.0 B Eating planets makes you younger: the magnetic dynamo rejuvenation of GJ 504 by planetary engulfment
25AF08 Gran Regular 5.0 C Probing the early accretion history of the Milky Way with extremely metal-poor stars
25AF22 Casamiquela Regular 2.0 C Assessing Praesepe's chemical (in)homogeneity and its relation to the presence of exoplanets
25AH12 Chiti Regular 1.0 A Probing the Magnetic Field Morphology of the Grand Minimum Star HD 166620
25AH09 Gaidos Regular 2.0 B Fishing for Debris Disks with ESPaDOnS and ASAS-SN
25AS10 Liu Regular 2.0 A Measuring masses of three compact objects discovered by using LAMOST medium-resolution spectra
25AS05 Wang Regular 3.0 B High-resolution spectroscopic observations of promising compact binary candidates
25AS17 Qin Regular 5.0 C NGC 2323: A binary cluster?