SPIRou QSO programs for 2025A

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
25AC04 Artigau Regular 4.8 A First obliquity measurement for an M dwarf hosting a very-low-mass star
25AC08 Artigau Snapshot 0.7 S Long-term RV monitoring of a benchmark stellar system
25AF12 Bellotti Snapshot 3.6 S Investigating magnetic dynamo dichotomy: the case of GJ 1183 system
25AF15 Bellotti Snapshot 2.5 S Hunting for star-companion interactions: unraveling the nature of the unusually high flare rate of LHS 1610
25AF28 Schroetter Regular 10 A Unveiling the dynamics of a young Solar system analog
25AF27 Alecian Regular 15.2 B Characterising the magnetic field of the protostar L1689 SNO2
25AF23 Carmona Regular 5 C Long-term RV follow-up of multiple-planetary systems around M dwarfs from the SPIRou Legacy Survey
25AH95 Chiti Regular 10 A Probing the Magnetic Field Morphology of the Grand Minimum Star HD 166620
25AH99 Gaidos Regular 16 B Dust in the Wind: Simultaneous Dust & Gas in Disk Winds with SPIRou and TESS
25AH03 Yang Regular 4.2 B Spectropolarimetric Signal for Stellar Activity: Spot, Flare, and CME
25AH98 Yang Regular 19.8 C Spectropolarimetric Signal for Stellar Activity: Spot, Flare, and CME
25AS12 Yuanheng Yang Regular 14 A From Day to Night on an Ultra-Hot Jupiter: Insights into Global Heat Transport in Highly Irradiated Planetary Atmospheres
25AP45 Donati Regular 420 A PLANETS: PLanets, Atmospheres, and Nativity of ExtraTerrestrial worldS
25AP03 Donati Regular 49 C PLANETS: PLanets, Atmospheres, and Nativity of ExtraTerrestrial worldS