WIRCAM QSO programs for 2025A

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
25AC23 Ruan Too 7.2 A CFHT Target-of-Opportunity Follow-up of Gravitational Wave Events to the End of LIGO/Virgo Observing Run 4
25AF04 Soucail Regular 10.0 A Stellar mass of high redshift clusters from the X-CLASS sample
25AH25 Liu Regular 22.1 A Extending Dynamical Masses to the Planetary-Mass Regime
25AS01 Tu Regular 4.54 A Probing the interaction between supernova remnant and molecular cloud towards Galactic PeVatron: G106.3+2.7
25AS15 Liu Regular 4.4 B CFHT/WIRCam Ks-band Weak Lensing Experiment in Blank Field: A Legacy Survey of the Extended COSMOS field
25AS03 YANG Regular 10.6 C Probing the Protocluster Environment Around the Hot Dust-obscured Galaxies