PH2 tutorial for MegaPrime

Updated October 30, 2020

Abstract -- This document presents the detailed PH2 tutorial for MegaPrime. Within PH2, help is available through a "Help" and a "Tutorial" button in the left menu. For any additional information, please contact the QSO Team by email using qsoteam -=at=-


Users should have by now consulted the general documents Queued Service Observing at CFHT and General principles of Phase 2 (PH2). Reading those 2 documents should only take 15 minutes, so we recommend that users consult them at least once. A few highlights are repeated here:


We have reduced the MegaCam readtime by almost 10seconds, bringing the true overheads from about 50seconds to the 40seconds charged in PH2. We investigated the impact of the fast read-mode on the data quality and found: (1) studies of compact sources will not be impacted by the new mode, (2) observations in low-sky noise regime such as narrow band filters, may show a few brighter (by 1-4ADUs) columns among the first 200 columns, those features can be easily removed from the post-processed data. (3) observations with broad filters resulting in images dominated by sky-noise are indistinguishable between the two read-modes.

We now make Quicklook data available to PIs 10minutes after at least one exposure of their program are take. Note that These quick-look data are reduced in real time using biases and flats obtained in the previous run. Fully reprocessed data are typically made available 2-3 weeks after the end of the run.

We recommend the use of Firefox or Safari, both of which can be set to allow Java to run (for using Aladin). Chrome (version 42 and above) has disabled the standard way in which browsers support plugins; PH2 will work, but not Aladin. PH2 does not work with either Microsoft Edge or IE under Windows 10.
To enable Java on Firefox or Safari, please see How do I enable Java in my web browser?.

Starting with 2015A, new broad band and narrow band filters are available. These filters are large enough to cover all CCDs, therefore MegaCam images now contain extensions for all 40 CCDs. Note that the new broad band filters are now called u,g,r,i,z,. Technical information on these new filters is available here. The new, full mosaic narrow band filters are called CaHK, Ha, HaOFF, OIII, OIIIOFF. Due to the lack of slots in MegaCam jukebox, the use of the new filters is the default. There is also a wide band filter, called gri. The old MegaCam filters have been decommissioned.

Three options are available if time constrained observations need to be entered: (1) constraint for the start date and time of an OG, with a tolerance, (2) list of possible dates and times, with a tolerance, (3) schedule calculated from a start date and a period. See the Prg Constraint page.

There is also a new way to enter pointing offsets that ensures that the target coodinates are not changed. See the Fixed Targets section for additional details.

A new dithering pattern called LDP-CCD-7 has been added to the default list in PH2. The pattern is intended to move the target of interest across the MegaCam mosaic using ultra large offsets such that the underlying background can be recovered and subtracted from the series of exposures, much like a NIR imaging technique. This pattern is needed to sample and correct the underlying scattered light term in the background sky that precludes photometry on extended objects (larger than 5'). With this approach (and exposure times longer than 5mn in order to have enough sky flux), the astronomical signal can be recovered down to the 28th mag.arcsec^-2 level on the condition that 1) the object of interest is smaller than the dithering pattern size (~15'), 2) the object of interest is not in a crowded area (bright stars, galactic cirrus, ISM, etc.). You must inform the QSO team if you use this pattern such that the Elixir team is kept in the loop to review, and process the data accordingly. The data processing may take a bit longer then the typical few weeks past the end of a run.

The primary mirror was re-aluminzed in August 2017. Sensitivity in all filters, especially the u filter has increased relative to 2016.

PIs can provide information on the maximum extinction (in magnitudes) their observations can tolerate. On the Constraints page, there is a new field "Max Extinction". By default, the value is "Best effort", which means that the QSO Team will observe with the best sky conditions possible, but might observe with a bit of extinction too, if it is judged that the science will not be affected. The value can be changed by the user.

For MegaCam, the Remote Observer will use the value of extinction provided by SkyProbe.

If the actual extinction is within the indicated limit +/- 0.02mag, the grade will be 1 or 2 (depending on extinction and other parameters), the exposure will be validated and charged to the PI, and we will do repeats of that exposure to compensate of the loss of flux, unless the PI indicates (in the PH2 comments box) that repeats are not necessary.

If the actual extinction is above the indicated limit +/- 0.02mag, the grade will be 3 or higher and the exposure will not be validated (and not charged to the PI); the exposure will be tried again at a later time.

A new table provides details about IQ as a function of filter, and QSO grades as a function of IQ measured. The section Constraints explains the details summarized in the table.



Access to PH2 is limited to users who have received telescope time in the QSO mode. Access to PH2 is done through this small window:

The User ID and Password are provided to new users by the QSO Team, by email. If you have used PH2 before but do not remember your information, please contact the QSO Team.

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The left frame of PH2 is the Navigation Menu. The user can easily go from one page to the other by just clicking on the appropriate button. The button corresponding to the form currently opened becomes white with blue fonts. It is highly recommended to navigate through PH2 with the menu buttons instead of the normal browser buttons. Activity in the different forms is monitored, so using the PH2 buttons ensures that all the data are saved before moving to another section of the tool.

The navigation buttons and their corresponding pages are described below.

Corresponding Page
First page of PH2 (Login). User ID and Password required.
Program Selection Page, for multiple programs under the same User ID
Page describing the QSO program, the investigators (PI) and the TAC evaluation.
General Constraints and Information for the program. Depending on the answers, some options will be made available in the subsequent pages. Please use the box provided to add as many instructions as possible (priorities, acceptable extinction, if IQ can be pushed, exact requirement for photometric conditions, Moon distance or illumination constraints, etc.) Includes a section for the distribution of the data.
Page containing the table used to define all of the fixed targets used in the creation of the observation blocks

Page containing the table used to define all of the targets for which coordinates are changing with time (ephemeris). Only accessible if requested in Program Constraints page

Page used to define user dithering patterns. Only use if absolutely necessary, otherwise use provided DPs. Not mandatory and only accessible from the navigation menu

Page containing the table used to define all of the instrument configuration (e.g. filters, exposure time, dithering pattern) used in the creation of the observation blocks
Page containing the table used to define all of the sky constraints entering in the creation of the observation blocks.
Page allowing the creation of the observation blocks from the lists of targets, instrumental configurations and constraints defined in the previous pages.
Page allowing the creation of the observation groups (e.g. sequences) from a list of observation blocks. The I-time used for the program is also calculated and compared to the time allocated by TAC. Time constraints and REEL can be accessed here, if requested.
Page allowing to upload a list of date constraints to schedule OGs. This page only appears if the corresponding option has been activated in the Prg Constraints menu
Page allowing to specify a start date and period to schedule OGs. This page only appears if the corresponding option has been activated in the Prg Constraints menu
Page describing all the observations prepared with PH2 and stored in the database for a specific program.
Logging out of PH2 (needs confirmation).
Opens the quick help files for PH2, containing information on the diverse parameters of the PH2 forms.
This document! Detailed overview and general description of PH2 and how to use it.

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This page allows the selection of your program for your session:

This page can be opened at all time; it is possible to work on several programs at the same time without having to log out from PH2. The programs are first sorted out according to the semester (pull-down menu) and then are identified by the runID, instrument, and title. Be careful: always make sure that you are editing the right program! For your convenience, the runID is shown on all the PH2 forms. Note: Following recommendations by the Time Allocation Committee, it is possible that a program was split into different programs with some specific I-time and grade/rank. If it's the case, the program with the higher ranking will keep the same runID as assigned during Phase 1 but the other programs will be assigned a different runID by the QSO Team. You must first select a program and click on the "Proceed" button before being able to navigate through the other pages of PH2.

Open the help files to the current page.
Save the content of the current page in the QSO database and open the next form.

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This page presents information regarding the program, the investigators, and the TAC evaluation:

Open the quick help files to the current page.
Cancel all the modifications done to the current page and reload data stored in the database.
Save all the modifications done to the current page in the database and reload current page.
Save the content of the current page in the QSO database and open the next form.

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This page requests some important information regarding your QSO program. Depending of some of the answers you provide here, options will become available in the subsequent pages of PH2. This page is divided into several sections:

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This is the first step toward the creation of the observation blocks, and where the user defines the fixed targets of the program and their precise pointing coordinates. The target table includes the target name, coordinates, and a pointing offset. A few buttons allow the addition, duplication, selection or deletion of entries. The maximum number of rows displayed at once is five. The "Next Page" and "Previous Page" buttons can be used to navigate between the different pages. The blue hyperlinks FT# represent the first row of each individual pages and can also be used for moving quickly from a page to another.

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This form is used to define targets for which coordinates change with time. The form is only accessible if requested in the Program Constraints section.

  1. At least 3 sets of RA and Dec coordinate pairs must be entered, enough to cover the potential time of observation. The times are in UT.
  2. If the moving target moves slowly and is to be observed with sidereal rates (with or without guiding), the set of coordinates closest to the observing time will be sent to the telescope.
  3. If the moving target moves quickly enough that non-sidereal rates are requested, sets of coordinates (at least 3, up to five) will be picked and sent to the Telescope. The request will fail if there is not at least one time before and one time after the time of observation. If there are enough sets, the choice will be one before and four after the time the observation is selected. The sets must be spaced far enough apart in time to cover the longest OB they are used with. Current coordinates and rates will be interpolated by the Telescope Control System.

The general idea behind the ephemeris form is very simple: define a series of coordinates for a specific time for a given target. The top of the form, illustrated below, allows the user to first give a name to a target:

For instance, in the pull-down menu on the left, you can select "New". In the central window, you can then give a name to your target. "Pointing Offset" refer to options for pointing offsets explained in the above "fixed targets" section. When you click on "Update", the table in the middle frame window is then created and your target receives a label "ET#" (for "ephemeris target").

The table below shows the entry fields for the ephemeris of the target specified:

Each row in the table is an ephemeris labeled "E#" and includes the UTC Date (beginning of a night in Hawaii is ~ 05:00:00 UT) and the coordinates of the target for this date (in J2000.0). As many ephemeris as wanted can be entered for a target and as many targets as wanted can be entered for a program. After defining all of the ephemeris for the target, we recommend that you save it immediately before starting defining the ephemeris for the next target (if needed). When saved, the ET will appeared in the list of targets used for defining the observation blocks (below).

Since entering a large number of ephemeris can be cumbersome the Astrores format template can be used at the bottom of the page to upload ephemeris for a given target (that is, one upload per target is necessary). To do so, apply first the procedure described above (create a new target name and click on update), since the name of the target cannot be defined from the Astrores template. Below there is a Astrores template (XML) that can copied on your local machine and then used to upload ephemeris to the table in the middle frame. (You can also create your own template on your local machine by first defining a target and click on "download". It is important that the format is respected. You can then prepare the ephemeris for the target as seen in the lower part of the template and save the template under a specific name. When saved on your local machine, you can then upload it by specifying the path. Check that everything is fine and then save the ephemeris table for that target. Repeat if necessary!

<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<ASTRO ID="v0.8" xmlns:ASTRO="">
<TABLE ID="Table">
<title>Ephemeris for CFHT QSO</title>
<!-- Definition of each field -->
<FIELD name="DATE_UTC" datatype="A" width="19" format="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss">
<FIELD name="RA_J2000" datatype="A" width="11" unit="h" format="RAh:RAm:RAs">
<DESCRIPTION>Right ascension of target</DESCRIPTION>
<FIELD name="DEC_J2000" datatype="A" width="11" unit="deg" format="DEd:DEm:DEs">
<DESCRIPTION>Declination of target</DESCRIPTION>
<!-- Data table -->
<DATA><CSV headlines="4" colsep="|">
DATE_UTC           |RA_J2000   |DEC_J2000  |
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss||+dd:mm:ss.s|
2003-06-04 06:30:00|09:34:00.00|+16:38:00.0|
2003-06-05 06:30:00|09:35:15.00|+16:31:50.0|
2003-06-06 06:30:00|09:36:33.00|+16:25:40.0|

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This form allows the user to define his/her own dithering patterns. It is NOT a mandatory form and is only accessible from the navigation menu (i.e. "Proceed" from the "Fixed Targets" form will go to the "Instrument Configurations" form, not this one. Defining his own dithering patterns can be useful for some programs.

Our experience, however, shows that data reduction can become much more difficult or can even be severely compromised with nonstandard patterns. Use only this form if only necessary for your program and if you have previous, extensive experience with data reduction of wide-field camera observations. For any doubt, do not hesitate to contact the QSO/Elixir Teams.

The idea behind this form is simple: the user can define a list of absolute offsets and saved this list as a dithering pattern under a customized name. This name can then be found under the pull-down menu for the available dithering patterns in the next PH2 form ("Instrument Configurations").

The top frame allows the user to visualize the offsets of a dithering pattern, create a new pattern, or delete a user pattern.

The middle frame displays the table used to define the dithering pattern:

Here is table with the list of the available buttons:

Button Function
Add N rows to the table.
Duplicate the selected rows N times.
Delete the selected rows. A confirmation window is displayed.
Select all the rows in the table. Clicking again on it deselect all the rows.
Check the entries for errors. The errors found are displayed in a separate window and are indicated by a red frame in the table. An automatic check is done also when the form is saved or when the "proceed" button is activated.
Display the next rows of the table.
Display the previous rows of the table.
Cancel all the modifications done to the current page and reload data stored in the database.
Save all the modifications done to the current page in the database and reload current page. Regular saving of the current form is recommended!
Save the content of the current page in the QSO database and open the next form.

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This is the second mandatory step in the creation of the observing blocks, used to define all the instrumental configurations necessary for the program. The same configuration can be used several times with different targets. The main section of the page is a table with different options under pull-down menus or editable entry fields.

The top frame can be used to help in the preparation of these configurations by offering the following elements:

The middle frame of the configuration page consists in a table and buttons to manipulate the entry fields:

It is important to know that the MegaCam mosaic has three different series of gaps between the detectors:

Dithering patterns offered for MegaPrime at this time are detailed in the following tables. The "DP" patterns can be used with two scale factor. Scale 1 covers the bad pixels but none of the mosaic gaps. Scale 1.5 will cover the vertical and horizontal gaps (but not the connector gap). The large dithering pattern (LDP) is special: some offsets are large (2') and the general geometry is elliptical. IMPORTANT: As the field distortion is not negligible, big dithering patterns like the LDP will not allow a simple shift and add, especially on the edge of the field. The tables below give all the offsets defining the dithering patterns.

A new dithering pattern called LDP-CCD-7 has been added to the default list in PH2. The pattern is intended to move the target of interest across the MegaCam mosaic using ultra large offsets such that the underlying background can be recovered and subtracted from the series of exposures, much like a NIR imaging technique. This pattern can be used to sample and correct the underlying scattered light term in the background sky that precludes photometry on extended objects (larger than 5'). With this approach (and exposure times longer than 5mn in order to have enough sky flux), the astronomical signal can be recovered down to the 28th mag.arcsec^-2 level on the condition that 1) the object of interest is smaller than the dithering pattern size (~15'), 2) the object of interest is not in a crowded area (bright stars, galactic cirrus, ISM, etc.). You must inform the QSO team if you use this pattern such that the Elixir team is kept in the loop to review, and process the data accordingly. The data processing might take a bit longer than the typical few weeks past the end of the run.

The following table shows the available buttons:

Button Function
Add N rows to the table.
Duplicate the selected rows N times.
Delete the selected rows. A confirmation window is displayed.
Select all the rows in the table. Clicking again on it deselect all the rows.
Check the entries for errors. The errors found are displayed in a separate window and are indicated by a red frame in the table. An automatic check is done also when the form is saved or when the "proceed" button is activated.
Display the next rows of the table.
Display the previous rows of the table.
Cancel all the modifications done to the current page and reload data stored in the database.
Save all the modifications done to the current page in the database and reload current page. Regular saving of the current form is recommended!
Save the content of the current page in the QSO database and open the next form.

  • QSO-SNR This mode is required for all non-sidereal observations, unless PI specifically requested and received approval not to use this mode. Please remember that the SNR you will put in Ph2 will be calculated from optimal aperture photometry and as such is ideal for observations of point sources. If your proposal mentioned SNR values calculated for a different type of source such as a galaxy, or fixed aperture please be sure that what you enter in PH2 reflect the SNR obtained from optimal aperture photometry on a point source. Please also consult the following webpage for additional information about QSO-SNR. Here are the steps to adjsut your PH2: (1) In Program constraints select QSO-SNR "Yes", (2) In the Instr Config Tab please provide the following inputs: (1) the SNR you wish to achieve, (2) the AB magnitude of the point source for which you wish to achive the respective SNR, (3) the minimum exposure time (irrespective of the SNR achieved), (4) if you are employing a dithering pattern, what is the the minimum number of steps (irrespective of the SNR achieved) that we should observe. If the IQ,SB,CC are not suitable for your program we will not observe it. We will observe up to 120% of your requested time to achieve the requested SNR.

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    This page presents the table designed for defining the sky constraints under which the observations should be undertaken. The top frame displays information about the targets and instrument configurations defined previously:

    The middle frame presents the table for the constraints:

    The constraint on the band image quality is the strongest criterion for the selection of a program to be undertaken. The QSO Team will try to respect the constraint on the image quality at all time for your observations. Our goal is to never exceed the upper limit defined by your constraint by more than 15%, and at most 20%. Evidently, the image quality varies through a band to another.

    The reference band for the QSO project is the r-band, that is that during the observations, the image quality will always be translated to this band. So, for instance, if you specify an IQ between 0.65" and 0.80" for an observation with the u filter, you should expect an resulting image quality of about 1", as shown in the table below. As explained above, the QSO Team will validate images within about 15% of the upper limit of the IQ specified in r band . If this is not acceptable, or if the limit acceptable is below the upper limit of the range, this should be described in the program constraints page.

    Value observed with respect to IQ specified in PH2
    Image Quality in u band FWHM ~ + 0.2-0.3" larger than r band
    Image Quality in g band FWHM ~ + 0.1" larger than r band
    Image Quality in r band (Reference)
    Image Quality in i band FWHM similar to r band
    Image Quality in z band FWHM similar to r band (or slightly better)

    Image Quality (IQ) R Band
    Frequency (%)
    IQ < 0.55"
    0.55" < IQ 0.65"
    0.65" < IQ 0.80"
    0.80" < IQ 1.0"
    1.0" < IQ 1.2"
    IQ > 1.2"

    These tables show the following:

    The information presented above is summarized in the table below.

    Only 3 general qualitative sky brightness can be indicated. During the observations, the sky background will be constantly measured by Elixir and converted to these qualitative values. In gray time (i.e. Moon Illumination 0-50%), and bright time (i.e. Moon Illumination > 50%), the QSO Team will always try to observe at at least 45 degrees away from the Moon. However, it might not always be possible to do that due to scheduling constraints. We strongly suggest to include some comments in the "Program Constraints" page on this issue, for instance, if you think that we could get a bit more Moon without compromising the quality of science of your project.

    Here is a table of all available buttons:

    Add N rows to the table.
    Duplicate the selected rows N times.
    Delete the selected rows. A confirmation window is displayed.
    Select all the rows in the table. Clicking again on it deselect all the rows.
    Check the entries for errors. The errors found are displayed in a separate window and are indicated by a red frame in the table. An automatic check is done also when the form is saved or when the "proceed" button is activated.
    Display the next rows of the table.
    Display the previous rows of the table.
    Cancel all the modifications done to the current page and reload data stored in the database.
    Save all the modifications done to the current page in the database and reload current page. Regular saving of the current form is recommended!
    Save the content of the current page in the QSO database and open the next form.

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    This is it! This page allows the user to link all the previously defined entities within observation blocks (OB). The main page is divided into two main frames:

    The number of rows displayed at once is only a few. The "Next Page", "Previous Page" buttons can be used to navigate between the different pages. The blue links OB# represent the first row of each individual pages and can also be used for moving quickly from a page to another.

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    This page presents the last step in the preparation of your observations: the creation of the observation groups (OG). The OGs will be the entities scheduled at the telescope so this step is necessary, even if you have previously defined all the observation blocks. The OG page is presented below:

    Observation Groups: Options

    There are three important options available for the Observation Groups, useful to precise specific observations. These options are first presented in the "Program Constraints" section and appear only in the OG form if requested.

    1. Monitoring Parameters: Parameters for the monitoring OGs. This window appears only if you have indicated that your program requires monitoring. You can enter a period in hours, days or weeks. To enter the parameters, first select the unit and then fill up its value. The number of iterations corresponds to the numbers of times that this OG should be done at the interval of the period. The minimum number of iterations corresponds to the acceptable minimum number of observations to reach the science goals. We will reach for the total number of iterations but only OGs that have met the minimum number of iterations will be considered valid.
    2. Relational Execution Link (REEL): For certain programs, it is important that the observations take place within a specific sequence of events. For instance, if OG1 is executed, only then OG2 should be done within a certain timescale. It is possible to manage this kind of sequence at a higher level on a small scale (that is, during the preparation of the queues) but on a larger scale, it is much more preferable to have these options "hard coded" in the database. To cover such possibilities, we have developed the concept of the REEL: basically, it is possible to create a causal link between observation groups. This can be done in the last window on the right, if you have selected the REEL option in the "Program Constraints" section. Essentially, a REEL means this: "After the execution of the reference OG, the linked OG should be done within a certain delay." You can then link several OGs, if needed. For instance, OG3 to OG2 to OG1, etc. The links created appear in the OG table.

      IMPORTANT: The REEL option should be used ONLY when appropriate. If the observations cannot be done within the window defined by the (delay +/- delay) (due to bad weather or technical problems), the completion of the chain will not be done. Also, the logic involved in defining the REELs in PH2 is complicated. It is preferable to define first all the OGs, save them, and then create the links. This can be done using the "modif OGs" button: after defining all the OGs, you can create the REEL link by selecting the OG from its label, entering the REEL parameters, click in the "select" box on the row, click on the "modif OGs" button and save. Deleting OGs which have REELs will not be permitted.

    3. Time Constraints: For certain programs, some observations must be done during a specific time range. These entry fields, available in the OG table, allow the user to define such a constraint by specifying a period for which the observations should be undertaken. These fields are optional and will appear only if required in the "Program Constraints" page. It must also be understood that these constraints are very severe: if for a reason or another (e.g. bad weather or conditions not meeting the sky constraints) the observations cannot be done during the period required, these observations will not be tempted again and will be taken out of the queue. Time constraints are not compatible with REELs, for example if an OG is to be done after another one is validated, that OG cannot have time constraints as well.

    Here is a table of the available buttons:

    Create one observation group (it can be of types 1OB, MOB, or SOB).
    Transform all the observation blocks defined in the previous form into observation groups. The recommended approach!
    Modifying an existing observation group. After selecting one or several OGs in the table ("select" column), the OGs will be modified according to the parameters redefined by the top lists after clicking the "modif OG(s)" button. So, it is now possible to change an OG without having to delete it first from the table! Important: You must make sure that the total I-time allocated for your program has not been exceeded after modifying the OG(s).
    Select all the rows in the table. Clicking again on it deselect all the rows.
    Delete the selected rows. A confirmation window is displayed.
    Check the entries for errors. The errors found are displayed in a separate window and are indicated by a red frame in the table. An automatic check is done also when the form is saved or when the "proceed" button is activated.
    Display the next rows of the table.
    Display the previous rows of the table.
    Cancel all the modifications done to the current page and reload data stored in the database.
    Save all the modifications done to the current page in the database and reload current page. Regular saving of the current form is recommended!
    Save the content of the current page in the QSO database and open the next form.

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    For certain programs, observations can be done at specific but multiple times during a semester. For instance, if the observations have to be done during a specific transit of a binary system, several dates and times might be possible. These dates and times can now be defined precisely with a new tool, the OG scheduler, developed specifically for this purpose. The tool produces a series of possible dates and times for which one or several OGs should be executed. The OG scheduler is optional and should be used only for those few programs which really require this tool.

    A note on Time Constraints

    Before explaining how to use the OG scheduler, it is important to provide a clear distinction between the different possibilities offered by PH2 on how to define time constraints. There are 3 distinct possibilities, two of them already introduced in the previous section on the OG form.

    1. Time Constraint Window: When requested in the program constraints page, it is possible to define time windows during which a OG should be done. This is the type of possible time constraint defined in the OG form. The OG will only be done within that time window.
    2. Monitoring: A specific OG might be done several times during the course of a semester, for monitoring a specific target. The monitoring is defined by a number of iterations and a period. The monitoring OG can be done within a time window, if desired.
    3. OG Scheduling: Several specific dates and times for a given OG can be needed, not just a window. OG scheduling refer to the possibility to define several dates and times for which an OG can be done. In other words, "an OG can be done at this date and time, or that one, or that one, etc...". Even a monitoring OG can be scheduled that way. In that case, it would mean "start this monitoring OG at one of these specific dates and times, then continue the monitoring of target according to the iterations and monitoring parameters (period)".

    It is very easy to define a series of dates and times for which a OG could be done. NOTE: All dates and times specified within PH2 OG Scheduler are in HST. The top frame of the OG Scheduler looks like this:

    After entering these parameters, by clicking the "create" button in the middle table will create the list of dates:

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    This PH2 functionality only appears if the appropriate option is selected in the Program Constraints page:

    The Upload Schedule functionality is useful for events that happen on specific dates and times, but not necessarily regularly. For regular (periodic) events, the OG scheduler can be used. For non-regular events, such as transits, the Upload Schedule allows the necessary flexibility in the choice of dates and times.

    A list of dates and times can be edited as a plain ascii file, and then uploaded in PH2. The formatting is very precise; after the upload is complete, the content will be displayed in a table. Users must check the values that are displayed.

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    This page opens a complete summary of what is currently the Phase 2 status of the program. As showed below, the summary can be sent by e-mail to several destinations as a HTML attachment (to be compatible with people not using a browser for their mail system), by clicking on the "Send this page to" button. The summary can also be printed using the "Print" button of the browser used for PH2.

    We strongly suggest that you keep the summary (printed or electronic) of the final version of the program submitted during the Phase 2. It will be useful to you for monitoring the progress of your program with the night reports and for any necessary communication between you and the QSO Team regarding the observations.

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    To exit PH2, you must confirm it by clicking on the "Logout" button in the window below. If you do not want to do so, select another page with the navigation buttons on the left frame.