Queued Service Observations 2010B

2010B schedule, programs, and run summaries

List of 2010B programs for: MegaCam, WIRCam, ESPaDOnS.

QrunID Instrument HST Dates Number of Nights Status Run Summary
10BQ01 ESPaDOnS Aug 1 - Aug 5 5 Done ESPaDOnS continued into August, and the weather was once again excellent.
10BQ02 WIRCam Aug 6 - Aug 30 25 Done During that run, we successfully tested Remote Observing from Waimea with WIRCam for a few hours. There were a few hours of fog, thin cirrus, or high IQ, but given the unusual length of the run, a lot of programs were observed. There was also an issue with high sky background of unknown origin on a few nights.
10BQ03 MegaCam Aug 31 - Sep 13 14 Done During that run, we successfully tested Remote Observing from Waimea with MegaCam for s few hours. The weather was almost perfect, with sub arcsec Image Quality every night.
10BQ04 WIRCam Sep 14 - Sep 29 16 Done A very good run, with a few hours with thin cirrus, but otherwise clear skies. About one hour was lost to technical issues.
10BQ05 MegaCam Sep 30 - Oct 14 15 Done A good run, with only the equivalent of a bit less than one night lost to clouds or high humidity. About 90 minutes were lost to technical issues.
10BQ06 ESPaDOnS Oct 15 - Oct 20 6 Done The run was affected by bad weather (clouds and fog), and issues with the f8 mirror support, which slightly affected image quality. On the good side, the last night, which was clear, was devoted to on-sky tests of the new chip for ESPaDOnS, olapa. Preliminary results are very encouraging!
10BQ07 WIRCam Oct 21 - Oct 26 6 Done
10BQ08 MegaCam Oct 27 - Nov 13 18 Done Due to a vacuum leak, the run was cut short by 1 night and the last 2 nights were not used. Highly ranked and time constrained programs were obtained before the technical failure, therefore the impact on science is minimal.
10BQ09 ESPaDOnS Nov 14 - Nov 29 16 Done
10BQ10 MegaCam Nov 30 - Dec 12 13 Done The vacuum held up, and a leak was found and fixed later in December
10BQ11 ESPaDOnS Dec 13 - Dec 29 17 Done The run started with good weather but was quickly affected by fog, ice, snow, and clouds. Overall, it was not a very productive run.
10BQ12 MegaCam Dec 30 - Jan 12 14 Done The January MegaCam run was also affected by winter weather, with storms bringing fog, ice, snow, and clouds.
10BQ13 WIRCam Jan 13 - Jan 25 13 Done
10BQ14 MegaCam Jan 26 - Jan 31 6 Done