Ohana - Optical Hawaiian Array for Nanoradian Astronomy [logo]


 [*] All the 2002 (Waikoloa) SPIE papers

 [*] Jean Marie Mariotti's paper
 [*] Presentation at SPIE
 [*] A paper written for the CFHT Information Bulletin
 [*] A document originally prepared for the CFHT Science Advisory Council
Meetings and action items
  Second `OHANA meeting (December 18th and 19th 2000)
  Summary of preliminary meeting at CFHT (March 16-17th 2000)
  OHANA Project Plan
  Email digest and summaries

Please see the Paris Observatory `Ohana web site for additional information. In particular, follow the construction of the components in (near) real time!

The project was presented extensively during the 2002 SPIE conference Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II, held in Waikoloa, HI. Here is the entire collection, downloadable in pdf!

A proposal to link up the telescopes on top of Mauna Kea in a giant interferometric infrared array. Download Jean-Marie Mariotti's original paper.

A paper was written for the CFHT Information bullentin (No 42) , which explains the project to a broader community. It is avaliable in HTML at this link .

A document starting to address questions related to cost was written, originally to be presented to CFHT's Science Advisory Council. An html version of it is available at this link or you can download the postscript file (use "save as" on your browser).

A second meeting took place on December 18th/19th 2000, to follow up on the project plan, discuss the scientific potential and review the technical issues. Please see the summary (or use "save as" for text version) of the meeting to find out about the phase II plan , science potential and technological points .
Also some pictures of our `Ohana taken during the second meeting.

A meeting hosted by CFHT took place on March 16th/17th 2000, to discuss possibilities, interests and motivations. A summary was generated that establishes a 3 phase plan to proceed with such a project. Also from the meeting:

During the SPIE conference, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2000, a poster describing the current status was presented, along with new computations for the expected sensitivity of the array. Follow this link or download the pdf version of the paper.

The draft of the project plan is available. Please follow this link for the text version (use "save as" on your browser) or this link for an html version .

Some discussions pertaining to technical points have been taking place over email. Follow this link to see if a technical issue has already been addressed, for a more technical overview of the project, or to ask a question to any of the participants (email links).

Olivier Lai

Last modified: Tue Apr 25 15:30:46 HST