KH6/F5IDM Home Page
Christian Veillet
PO Box 2124 
Kamuela Hi-96743, USA 
(808) 885 -2143 

E-Mail :

Astronomer at CFHT

The Hawaii West
Amateur Radio

Adeline Benedicte Christian The Veillet's family   Dominique Eleonore Florian
Radio Club Contest Station Lighthouses...

Aloha !...

Among various hobbies, I'm a radio amateur calling on the air with the call sign KH6/F5IDM
Even far from France, I'm still a member 
of the French Amateur Radio League
But being in the USA, 
 I'm also a member of ARRL

   Here is the QSL card I was using while in France

Radio Club

A radio club, the Hawaii West Amateur Radio Society (HWARS), is growing on the West side of the Island.
I joined it in November 1997, and I proposed to create HWARS web pages.
HWARS board accepted that, and since the end of 1997, I develop and maintain the HWARS web site.
On the site, you will find find information on HWARS activities, members and officers, and links to our friends in Hawaii and abroad...
Your comments are welcome!


Eager to get a vanity call with these one or two letter suffixes which will make CQ calls short? What about calling CQ or enter a pile-up with Kilo Hotel Six Stroke Fox Trot Five India Delta Mike ?...

I entered my first contest for fun with the 1998 ARRL International DX Contest. I didn't work for very long, but definitely enjoyed it. As I finished first in my category (SO AB LP) in Hawaii, I even received a certificate!...

I gave another try for the 1998 IOTA. I spent less time on that one, but it was fun too. Well, I made first also in the Island Single Operator - 24 Hour SSB category for Hawaii (we were only two to send a log...). As we say in french, au pays des aveugles...

You would say I got the virus... as I tried also the 1998 HI QSO party. Again for a short time in the weekend, I enjoyed answering people calling Hawaii, that time in a more relaxed way. I didn't send my log for that one...

I entered the 1999 ARRL International DX Contest more seriously and with a better strategy than last year. I had even planned to take my Friday afternoon off for starting at 00:00 UTC... Well, some important things happened at CFHT that afternoon, and I didn't start before the evening, and worked for a very short time on that day... I did better on the next two days, and enjoyed it. I wanted to do more than 500 QSOs , and more than 100,000 points and ended with 762 QSOs and 310896 points with a power of 80 Watts! I finished again first for Hawaii in my category  (SO AB LP).
Here is the summary of my log:
                                       Valid QSOs    MULTIPLIERS
  [] Novice/Technician           | 160 |     0       |      0       |
Single Operator                  |  80 |     0       |      0       |
  [x] All Band                   |  40 |     3       |      2       |
  [] Single Band (circle one)    |----------------------------------|
     160  80  40  20  15  10     |  20 |   174       |     40       |
  [] QRP (5W or less output)     |----------------------------------|
  [] Assisted                    |  15 |   282       |     48       |
Multioperator                    |  10 |   303       |     46       |
  [] Single transmitter          |Total|   762       |    136       |
  [] Two transmitter             +----------------------------------+
  [] Unlimited                   |HOURS OPERATED|        25         |

     762     X 3 =     2286    X     136       =       310896
 Valid QSOs         QSO Points    Multipliers       Claimed Score

Power : 80W
IC735 - A3S beam

What will be the next one? I don't know. Contests are fun. They are addictive too... so better to be careful with them. A lot of other things are fun too, like enjoying a weekend with the family. Kids are growing fast, and the days with them won't come back! Contests will be there for long...

What about my station?

Well, just a small portable DX70, and an old IC735 bought to a local ham, and a three elements tribander (A3S) which used to be on a light telescopic pole, not really higher that the house roof... Well, I raised it a little bit on a 18ft aluminium roof tower bolted on the floor of the house terrace (lanai). It's now at slightly more than 30ft, and definitely higher than the roof of the house!...

In fact, I'm not on the air too often (a lot of other interesting things to do, especially with the family)... But when I start a QSO with my long Kilo Hotel Six Stroke Fox trot Five India Delta Mike, I inevitably receive comments like "hope you enjoy your vacations in Hawaii", thanks to the French call sign portable King Henry VI . So I explain that I'm here as a resident astronomer working for Canada-France-Hawaii, a telescope on MaunaKea, and there start long chats as many HAMs really like astronomy, and as I enjoy explaining what we are doing!


Interested in lighthouses for as long as I can remember...,  I joined the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society, and started to have some contacts from the lights around the Island. Well, lights are not what they are on the rough shores of French Brittany, but it's fun anyway.

Got there for some information on my activities...

Thanks for your visit...


Christian - KH6/F5IDM


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