January 30, 2024
CFHT is pleased to announce that in February 2024, we will open a call for new Large Programs. We invite interested teams to submit a "Letter of Intent to Submit a CFHT Large Program Proposal" before March 1st 23:59 UT by sending an email (plain text or PDF file) to the Executive Director director@cfht.hawaii.edu . An acknowledgment that a submission has been received will be sent within 2 business days.
A Letter of Intent is required for teams who plan to submit a Large Program proposal.
Large Programs are offered on MegaCam, ESPaDOnS, and SPIRou; note that SITELLE, WIRCam, and VISION Mode 3 (simultaneous ESPaDOnS and SPIRou observations) are not offered as part of this call for LP.
A Large Program shall require a minimum of 50 nights total and may extend over 3 semesters on MegaCam (25B to 26B) or 4 semesters for ESPaDOnS and SPIRou (25A to 26B). A total of up to 400 nights over those 4 semesters is offered.
This round of Large Programs will be followed by a 4 to 5-year Community Survey (or surveys) similar to the very successful Legacy Survey CFHTLS, starting in 27A or 27B.
We invite interested teams to submit a Letter of Intent before March 1st 23:59 UT by sending an email to director@cfht.hawaii.edu . The LoI shall contain:
The content of the Letters of Intent will be used to start the search for external referees.
For questions, please email the Director of Science Operations manset@cfht.hawaii.edu