Users of the CFHT
The CFHT is mainly used by Canadian and French astronomers as well as by astronomers affiliated with University of Hawaii.
Canadian astronomers belong to CASCA, the Canadian Astronomical Society/Société Canadienne d'astronomie.
On that website can be found a list of Canadian Astronomy/Physics Departments and
Canadian Observatories .
In France, the Société Française d'astronomie et d'astrophysique
is an association of people working in astronomy. Its website lists French observatories and research institutes
and government agencies which deal with astronomy in France.
The Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii
has faculty and staff members who conduct research in various fields of astronomy, are involved in astronomy education, and in the development
and management of the observatories on Haleakala and Mauna Kea.
In addition to these users, CFHT is currently open for use by the astronomers of two nations:
Tawainese astronomers have access through
a continuing collaboration on CFHT's new generation of instruments that started with WIRCam. The
Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics is CFHT's main partner,
but Taiwanese universities are also participating in this collaboration.
China's access to CFHT started in mid-2011, thanks to a collaborative agreement between CFHT and the National Astronomical Observatory of China (NAOC)
From mid-2009 to 2015, Brazilian astronomers had access through a collaboration between
CFHT and the Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica.
Through its French connection, CFHT is also open for a few nights a year to the European astronomers through
the OPTICON Trans-national Access Programme.