
CFHT J. E. D. I. Council

The CFHT J.E.D.I. Council is composed of staff volunteers representing all groups within the company (Astronomy, Finance & Administration, Instrumentation, MSE, Operations, and Software), as well as an external consultant.

Mission Statement

"The CFHT J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Council will foster intentional relationships within our workplace and among our many communities, upholding and fulfilling kuleana as stewards, implementing systemic growth through ongoing education of ourselves and others, cultivating a sense of belonging."

2024 Priorities

  • Development of this webpage
  • Distribution of a JEDI-focused survey for staff.
  • Development of cultural protocols for staff (collaboration with other MKOs and Native Hawaiian cultural practitioners).
  • Updating land acknowledgement recommendations for staff and our scientific community.
  • Expanding efforts for staff inclusion, especially between Waimea and Summit staff.



The CFHT J.E.D.I. Council can be reached via email here. If you prefer to connect with us anonymously, you can use this form. Please reach out if you'd like more information on what we do!