Monday, 20 May
Session 1 - CFHT

Doug Simons


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Andy Sheinis

CFHT Technical Update

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Greg Barrick

Installation and Integration of SPIRou at CFHT

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Claire Moutou

Science Performances of SPIRou

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Session 2 - SPIRou

Jean-François Donati

The SPIRou Legacy Survey: Discovering and Exploring New Worlds with SPIRou

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Etienne Artigau
(Université de Montréal)

Know Your SPIRou Data

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Julien Morin
(Université de Montpellier)

Exploring the Magnetic Activity of M Dwarfs at nIR Wavelengths with SPIRou

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Baptiste Klein

Simulations of SPIRou Radial Velocity Follow-ups of Transiting Exoplanets

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Melissa Marquette
(McGill University)

Characterizing Hot Jupiter Atmospheres Through High Resolution Eclipse Spectroscopy

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Session 3 - TESS / Stellar Activity

Samuel Quinn
(Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian)

Ground-based Follow-up for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite

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Pascal Petit
(Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)

Investigating the Magnetism and Activity of Epsilon Eridani

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Alexandre David-Uraz
(University of Delaware)

Synergies Between CFHT and TESS

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Evelyne Alecian
(IPAG - Université Grenoble Alpes)

Magnetic Fields Evolution During Stellar Formation at Intermediate-mass Stars

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Louise Yu

Activity and Close-in Giant Planets of Weak-line T Tauri Stars

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Session 4 - VESTIGE and galaxy clusters

Alessandro Boselli
(LAM Marseille)

VESTIGE: A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission

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Philippe Amram
(LAM Marseille)

Synergies between surveys. The case of M87 and NGC 4424

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Alessia Longobardi
(LAM Marseille)

VESTIGE: A Unique Dataset to Study the Role of the Environment in the Production of Long Tails

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Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo
(Université de Montréal)

Novel Observations of the Optical Nebulae in Brightest Cluster Galaxies

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Tuesday, 21 May
Session 5 - MSE

Alan McConnachie
(NRC Herzberg)

The Science and Status of the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer

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Daniel Huber
(University of Hawaii)

Stellar Astrophysics and Exoplanet Science with the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer

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Daryl Haggard
(McGill University)

Time Domain Science with MSE

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Michael Balogh
(University of Waterloo)

Galaxy Formation and Evolution with MSE

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Will Percival
(University of Waterloo)

The MSE high-z Cosmology Survey

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Session 6 - SITELLE

Laurent Drissen
(Université Laval)

News from SITELLE

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Laurie Rousseau-Nepton

The SIGNALS Legacy Survey: On the Birth of Stars in the Nearby Universe

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Andreea Petric

Dancing Infrared-Bright Galaxies: Optical Imaging Fourier Transform Spectroscopy with SITELLE of the Galaxy Merger II Zw 96

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Thomas Martin
(Université Laval)

A 3D view of the Crab Nebula with SITELLE

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Marcel Sévigny
(Université Laval)

What New Insights Does SITELLE Unveil About NGC 6888 and NGC 2359?

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Session 7 - Magnetic Stars/Instrumentation Discussion

Coralie Neiner
(LESIA - Paris Observatory)

Magnetism in Hot Stars

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Matthew Shultz
(University of Delware)

The Magnetospheres of the Early B-type Stars

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John Landstreet
(University of Western Ontario)

Studying Weak Magnetic Fields in White Dwarf Stars with ESPaDOnS

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Daniel Devost & Andy Sheinis

CFHT Instruments Usage and Discussion

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Session 8 - Solar System and Extragalactic Astronomy

Rosemary Pike

Outer Solar System through Characterized Surveys: Missing Small Members of the Haumea Family

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Richard Wainscoat
(University of Hawaii)

The Role of CFHT in the Discovery and Early Characterization of `Oumuamua

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Jean-Pierre Maillard

The discovery of H3+ in the auroral regions of Jupiter

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Pat Hall
(York University)

Quasar Reverberation Mapping with Photometry and Spectroscopy

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Thibaud Moutard

On the Environment- and Mass-driven Quenching of the Star Formation in Galaxies

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Wednesday, 22 May
Session 9 - Maunakea Observatories

Robert McLaren
(University of Hawaii)

The University of Hawaii Perspective

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Hilton Lewis

W. M. Keck Observatory Update

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Michitoshi Yoshida

Updates from Subaru

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Doug Simons

Future of Maunakea Observatories

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Session 10 - CFIS

Jean-Charles Cuillandre / Alan McConnachie
(CEA Saclay / NRC Herzberg)

Status of the Canada-France Imaging Survey (UNIONS)

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Eugene Magnier
(University of Hawaii)

Pan-STARRS Contributions to the UNIONS Collaboration

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Mike Hudson
(University of Waterloo)

Weak Lensing in the Canada-France Imaging Survey

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Raphael Gavazzi

Strong Lensing Events in the CFIS Survey and Weak Lensing Cluster Masses from Archival CFHT Imaging Data

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Melina Poulain
(University of Innsbruck)

Structural Properties of Dwarf Galaxies in the MATLAS Low Density Fields

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Session 11 - The Milky Way and Brown Dwarfs

Nicholas Fantin
(University of Victoria)

Reconstructing the Milky Way using its Stellar Graveyard

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Nicolas Martin
(Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg)

Mining and Mapping the First Generations of Stars with the Pristine CaH&K Survey at CFHT

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Trent Dupuy
(Gemini North)

CFHT Infrared Parallax Program

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Loic Albert
(Université de Montréal)

Planetary-mass Objects in Taurus Found through a Water-band Imaging Survey

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Session 12 - CFHT Outreach, Publications and Output, and Discussion

Mary Beth Laychak

CFHT Outreach

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Dennis Crabtree
(NRC Herzberg)

CFHT's Publication History: 40 Years of High Impact Science

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